25: Jailhouse Rock

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"Action!" Richard Thorpe, the director of Elvis' current movie project shouted to the cast. They were filming the dance sequence with a bunch of guys in jail attire dance around. I'm not sure why, I think it was for a fake music video or something. Elvis had told me earlier but I didn't pay much attention.

After spending a while with Marilyn Monroe and watching Elvis film Jailhouse Rock, I was returning to Memphis to move into Graceland.  Elvis wouldn't join us until after he finished filming Jailhouse Rock.

I was leaning back in a directors chair near the cameras with one leg crossed over the other. I had a half eaten chocolate bar in my hand and Gene Kelly was sitting next to me in another chair.

As I watched the dancing unfold indent of me, Gene nudged my arm with his elbow. "That Elvis boy can sure dance. Not as good as me though." He joked with his eyes glued on Elvis. I chuckled at him. "Whatever you say, Kelly." He laughed.

"Did you know Elvis swallowed a tooth cap? He had to be hospitalized. Moron." I joked and Gene laughed. "How do you swallow a tooth cap?"

I shrugged. "Guess he wasn't paying attention - I don't know." I bit a chunk off of the candy bar.

They were almost finished filming when I remembered I had a plane to catch.

"Wait - do you know the time?" I asked Gene. He looked down at his watch.

"Two thirty." He replied. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "Thanks," I began to walk away but turned around. "Nice to meet you Gene, see you around."

"Bye." He said with a small wave and smile. I turned back around and managed my way through the crowd of crew members and camera men.

"Lizzy!" I heard Elvis yell as I was almost to the exit. I turned around and saw Elvis jogging at me with everyone watching us.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "To catch the plane." I responded. He already knew that?

"And you weren't gonna say bye?" He demanded. "Well you were busy." I defended myself.

Elvis glared at me and I began to feel irritated. "What's your deal?" I asked with my hands crossed over my chest.

"What, are you going to see Johnny?" He retorted. I felt a guilty pang stab me in the stomach. I hadn't told Elvis about Johnny and I don't reckon I ever will. He just knows I'm good friends with Johnny.

"Maybe I will, asshole." I said angrily and turned away. He grabbed my arm with a death grip. "Ow," I said and tried to yank my arm away.

Elvis pulled me out of the room and into his dressing room. He backed me against the wall. My body smacked against it.

"Why are you acting like this?" I demanded and hastily pulled my arm away. "Because maybe I'm f*cling jealous! Why do you spend so much time with Johnny Cash," he mimicked my voice. "And not with me!" He grabbed my bag off of my shoulder and slung it across the room.

I ran through my mind looking for a response.

"I don't know, maybe because Johnny doesn't sleep around with every girl he sees!" I yelled. Which wasn't true. Maybe partly. I was a hypocrite myself too. The event that happened in my bedroom was still fresh in my rotten mind.

Elvis' face twisted in anger and his hand balled to a fist and he punched the wall above my head. I stiffened in fear. My body thought for me and I pushed him and caught him off guard. He fell on the ground and I took off running.

I ran out of the building and slowed to a jog until I got out of the paramount buildings.

I cursed myself as I realized I had left my bag in Elvis' dressing room but I kept walking. I hailed a taxi and got a ride to the airport.

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