14: Jukebox Blues

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"Lizzie, please come with me." Elvis begged.

"Why bring me? How could you get other girls with me standing there?" I spat.

Elvis and I stood at the foyer of Sun Records. He wouldn't stop bothering me as I was grabbing my jacket and bag to leave and go home. He put his hand on my arm after my jacket was snug around me.

"Please. I'm not lying." His eyes filled with tears. "It hurts me when you accuse me of something I didn't do." I softened. I guess I believe him. Just because I run into...what's his face I already forgot, doesn't mean anything is going on...

"Fine." I gave up. Elvis' face brightened and that same smile came on his face. "So will you go to Texarkana?" He asked and took his hand off my shoulder. I shrugged. "I guess. I gotta start looking for a house soon. My parents probably want me gone. I am twenty now." I said. I should be looking at places to live instead of going to a concert with Elvis.

He hugged me tightly. "I missed you baby." He said in my ear. I wrapped my arms around him too. At least I'll have Johnny. Also there's Jerry Lee, June Carter...I forget the others.

Elvis had met Johnny when Cry, Cry, Cry skyrocketed to #14 on the charts. They were friends I guess. I really tried to avoid Elvis or change the subject when Johnny brought him up.



I stood backstage with Johnny before he was going on, listening to Jerry Lee Lewis play the piano like a wild man.

"I ain't never seen nobody play that that." Marshall said, staring astonishedly at The Killer who occupied the stage playing the piano wildly.

Johnny laughed. "Yeah he's great." Even though Johnny laughed I knew he was shaking in his boots. He wore a suit with a white jacket and black pants and a guitar slung behind his body. I quickly fixed his tie so it wasn't crooked and pushed strands of his jet black hair that didn't stick with the hair gel he applied in his dressing room minutes before.

The song ended and Jerry rose and bowed to the audience who went crazy over him. He smirked and made his way to the side of the stage then backstage to where the four of us standing.

"Good luck boys. Nobody follows The Killer." He said with the biggest smirk as he passed us. His blonde hair and blue eyes glowed beneath the lights as he looked at me and winked.

"Oh stop Jerry." I said and swatted his chest. He snickered. I met Jerry a few months back at Sun while he came in to record and he's just a big ball of goofiness. That's the clean way to express Jerry Lee.

Then I heard a the announcer on the stage.

"Shoot that's my cue," I heard a troubled voice say. I turned my head and saw June Carter running towards me. She gave me a warm smile as she passed me to go to the stage. "Hello," she greeted. "Hi." I replied, returning the smile. Then she smacked right into a clueless Johnny.

"Oh crap, stuck right on my dress." She said. "Hey Bill! Hold on Bill I'm coming!" She called to Bill, the announcer. Bill stopped mid sentence and the crowd laughed.

"Well I reckon I hear June Carter," he laughed. "What's wrong June?" He asked. June tried ripping away from Johnny's guitar tuners but it was stuck tight. I tried to help them but also tried not to rip June's dress.

"Well, I got tangled." She replied. The crowd laughed. "On what, June?" Bill asked. His voice echoing throughout the theatre from the microphone.

"On Johnny Cash's guitar strap." She said which sent everyone into hysterics. I admit I even laughed myself.

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