17: Mermaid Motel

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*2 weeks later*

"Well it's a one for the money ; two for the show ; three to get ready ; now go cat-" I switched off the radio. I was so tired of that song being played over and over again. Elvis does have other songs Y'know. Like, Hound Dog, Heartbreak Hotel, anything else. They just keep replaying the same song.

I arrived at Sun and parked my Car in the back. I grabbed my bag, switched the car off and got out. I grabbed the box of donuts that Marion sent me to get and went inside. Marion sat at her desk sorting papers and looked up when I came in.

"We have an appointment with a girl named Mary Jane Werner. She was signed on the record while you were away." Marion said. "And thank you for the donuts." she smiled as I set them on the desk. She reached into the box and grabbed one.

"What about my session?" I asked. I had heard of Mary Jane while on tour. She had released a single that did well on the charts. But I didn't know what she looked like. "Aren't you going to have one?" she gestured the donuts. I shook my head. I had been taking those pills to keep Elvis happy and I wasn't hungry all the time like I used to be.

"She's after you." She said. "Sam said to come into the studio at nine am." She said. I looked up at the clock mounted on the wall. 9:03am. I sighed and stepped into the studio and closed the door behind me. I saw through the glass Sam was on the phone. He waved at me and I waved back.

I still had my bag slung across my shoulder so I rummaged through it for my journal/song book where I had written lyrics. I flipped through the pages to the one Sam agreed to record now. It's called Mermaid Motel.

Sam hung up the phone and said through the mic, "Sorry bout that. Lets get started."

He set everything up and gave me the green light to go. I took a deep breath and sang from the lyrics in my book without any instruments.

When I finished, Sam said "You have true talent, Lizzie." I blushed and smiled. "Thanks," I said nervously.


Hours later, I heard the bell ding. I had just clocked out. I looked over and saw a young woman, probably 18 or so, standing there. She was very pretty. Blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiled at me. "You're Lizzie, right?" She sounded eager. I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

She walked over to me and shook my hand. "It's so nice to finally meet. you. You're a lucky girl for having such a fine man in your life." She said. I thought she was referring to Elvis.

"Uh yeah, he's nice." I said. Then Sam walked out into the foyer.

"Ah, Mary Jane, come in." he said and motioned for her to come into the studio. She began to walk his way but turned and waved at me. "I'll see you later." she smiled. "Right." I said.

I looked at Marion who still sat at the desk. "Who's that?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow. "Mary Jane..."

I almost face palmed. "Right, sorry." I apologized. "Well, I'm gonna head home." I said. I felt anxiety coming over me. I grabbed my jacket off of the coat rack and my bag. "Bye Marion." I said. "Bye honey, have a safe trip home." She said. "Mhm." I nodded and jogged to my car. I just wanted to go home.

I drove all the way home in silence No radio, no nothing.

I got home to a busy and noisy house. Absolutely wonderful. I walked in and sunk into the couch. My sister say on the couch watching TV.

"Hey grumpy ass." she said. I flicked her off. "Lizzie? Is that you?" My mom called. I groaned. "Yes." I called back.

"Lizzie come here!" she said. I rolled my eyes and Chuck laughed at me. I got back up and went in the direction of her voice. "What?" I asked when I found her in the kitchen. "Your dad wants you on the deck." she said and pointed to the sliding glass door. I slid it open and went onto the deck.

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