5: Mommas Boy

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October went by fast. My sister is doing well. She's attending school until her due date approaches. She'll just get home schooled after the baby is born.

The baby's father wants nothing to do with my sister and the baby now. My dad almost blew his head off with a shot gun.

He's gone from the picture. Raising this baby is up to my sister now.

Elvis and I went to a small get together on Halloween with some friends. Elvis and his family don't celebrate Halloween because they are religious. The whole time our hands were entwined and couldn't keep our lips off each other.

November was passing by quickly too. It was thanksgiving. Elvis was taking me to meet his parents Gladys and Vernon Presley.

I was nervous. Elvis could tell.

"Honey it'll will be fine. They will love you." Elvis said in the car ride over here.

"What if they don't like my hair. Or the way I dress. Or my voice. Or my personality." I said looking at Elvis.

"I love everything you said. They will too. It's hard not to." Elvis squeezed my shoulder. I sighed. "Right." I said doubtfully.

We got out of his car and went up to the front door and inside. I smelled food cooking and candles burning. And also some holiday music.

"Momma? Daddy? Dodger? We're here." Elvis called. "Lemme take your jacket." He said. I peeled of my leather jacket and handed it to him. He set it on the coat rack. I followed him to the dining room/kitchen. Where his mom and dad were. Vernon and his grandma Dodger sat at the table and Gladys cooking food.

"Hi honey!" Gladys said and gave me a  warm hug. "Hi Mrs. Presley," I smiled. "Happy Thanksgiving."

"You too darlin. Oh you're so pretty! Elvis you always find the pretty ones." She grinned at me. She reflected her sons southern accent.

"Thank you." I said while giggling.

"Guys, this is Lizzie. My girlfriend." So we are going steady.

Vernon stood and hugged me and kissed my hand. Dodger hugged me also.

"Welcome to the Presley family hun." Vernon said.

"Thanks so much." I couldn't stop grinning.

"Dinners almost ready. Why don't you two go freshen up a bit." Gladys said.

"Okay momma." He kissed her cheek. Such a mommas boy, Elvis is.

I followed Elvis to his room. His room was like a normal teenage boy room. His walls had pictures of guitars all over. He had a guitar in the corner of his room.

He sat on his bed. He patted next to him. So I sat next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck, then my jaw, then my exposed shoulder.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight." He said and kissed my cheek. "You're welcome. I'm glad to be here." I said. I put my hand on his face and kissed his lips. Innocent at first, then it got heavy.

He pushed me back and put his hand on my waist, but never disconnected his lips from mine.

He was leaning on his elbow just above my head. He used his hand to push my hair back.

He pulled back a few inches and just looked at me with the most dreamy eyes.

"You're so beautiful. You have no idea how long I've dreamed about this, Liz." He said.

I blushed bright red. I grinned at him then pulled his face to mine. I love him. A lot. More than I've loved any other guy.

"Elvis! Lizzie!" Gladys called.

Elvis rolled his eyes and kissed me again. "I don't want this moment to end." He whispered against my lips. "Me neither." I pulled him as close as we could be, my hands tangled in his brown hair.

"Elvis," I said after a minute. "I'm hungry." He chuckled and got off of me. I sat up and stood. I grabbed Elvis' hand and pulled him up. We were still holding hands when we got back to the kitchen.

The table was set and they were sitting there. Elvis and I took a seat next to each other. We all held hands and said grace, then dug into the delicious food. Gladys was a good cook.

"So how did you two meet?" Gladys asked.

"High school." I said.

"Yeah, I had a crush on her but she didn't like me." Elvis chuckled.

Vernon and Gladys and Dodger laughed.

They asked me all the basic questions. Where do I work, who do I live with, do I go to church, etc.

They made me laugh every other minute. They were a nice, southern family and I loved them.


Later while Vernon, Gladys, and Dodger all sat in the living room watching tv, Elvis and I went back to his room.

I was staying the night at Elvis' tonight. I changed into one of his nightshirts. That and underwear was all I was wearing. Elvis had a pair of pajama pants on.

We turned on the tv in his room that sat on his dresser and laid in bed together. The tv was on the side of the bed and it was the side I was laying on, so we both faced that way.

Elvis had his arm around my waist and would kiss my neck every few moments and I would smile so wide.

It was ten pm. I figured that his parents and grandma would go to bed soon.

I was getting tired, laying there in his warm arms but I stayed up with him.

Elvis was different than Jack. More gentle. More loving. He actually cared about me. Jack just cared about football.

"I love you Elvis." I said. "I love you too Lizzie."

"Name ten things you love about me." I giggled. I turned my head to him.

He leaned on his elbow with his knuckles against his temple.

He looked away while thinking.

"I love how you're caring, like how you helped your sister. I love how when you get nervous you say just one word answers. I love how you kiss me. I love when you hug me." He said.

"Okay that's four." I chuckled.

"I love your sense of humor. I love your laugh. I love your music taste. I love your family."

"That doesn't count." I laughed. "Yea it does. I love how you can eat five helpings of food at a time," he laughed his hearty laugh.

"Fair enough."

"I love your eyes. I love clothes. And I love your boyfriend."

I laughed at the last one. "Oh Elvis." I sighed dramatically. "How do you get through doors with your big head?" I joked.

He stuck his tongue out at me. I did it back. He leaned in fast so that they touched.

I laughed and pushed his chest.

"Elvis who thinks from his pelvis."

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