4: Can't Help Falling In Love

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(Lana Del Rey/Lizzie Grant above)

Elvis arrived at 5:57 pm the next day for dinner. I felt so proud to answer the door to such a handsome man. I hoped my parents would like him.

He stood there in a suit. His brown hair slicked back. His eyes sparkling. His face glowing.

"Hi!" I gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. "Hiya doll."

He kissed my cheek and I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. We met my family in the living room. All except my mother who was in the kitchen.

"Hello Mr. Grant. I'm Elvis Presley." Elvis said, shaking my dads hand.

"Hello." Daddy said.

Elvis also shook my brother and sisters hand like a gentleman. I took him to the kitchen to meet my mom. She welcomed him warmly.

"I'm Patricia Grant. Nice to meet you Elvis." She smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Grant." He kissed her hand.

"Oh, call me Pat." She said. I could tell she likes him.

My mother asked me to help set the table. Elvis offered to do it for me. Such a gentleman.

Then we all sat down for dinner. It was meat loaf and more vegetables.

My father was obviously the head of the table. Momma sat next to him on the right, Charloe next to her, Elvis sat on the other end, across from daddy. I sat next to Elvis and my sister sat next to me and daddy.

"Let's say grace." Dad said. We all took hands.

"Lord, thank you today for this meal we have in front of us and the roof over our heads." Then he looked at Elvis. "Would you like to add anything?"

"Of course, sir." Elvis cleared his throat. "Thank you lord for allowing me to come here and sit and eat dinner with this wonderful family. Thank you for my momma and my daddy. Thank you for Elizabeth and her family. In your name we pray, amen."

Now I wasn't really a Christian, but my parents are and I can tell Elvis just put himself in my parents favorites.

We all began to eat.

"Do you go to church, Elvis?" My dad asked.

"Yes I do sir. I go every week with my parents." He said. "And thank you for the meal. It's very good, Mrs. Grant."

"You're welcome hun." Mom smiled.

"Where do you work?" My dad asked. "Parker Machinists shop." Elvis said.

"Well good for you son."

Dinner went by fast. More questions about Elvis were asked like where did he go to school when I clearly told my parents Elvis and I went to school when I came home from the first time we saw a movie together.

But he answered every question with respect, a smile, and a 'sir' or 'ma'am' behind it.

My sister and brother actually kept their fat mouths shut all night.

After dinner, Elvis and I were left to do what we wanted.

We decided on going for a walk.

It was dark outside now. And when we got outside Elvis grabbed my hand.

"My parents like you a lot." I said.

"That's good. It would be tragic for them to dislike me. That wouldn't help having a crush on their daughter." He laughed.

My heart jumped. He had a crush on me, and I didn't know what to say. "You know, in high school I wrote you a poem once. It's not much of a poem, but it's how I felt about you." He said.

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