27: Lana Del Rey

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I'm so sorry for neglecting this story. I'll try to update more often. Okay so there is a few changes, please bear with me. I changed Lizzie's sisters name to Chuck (Caroline, but goes by Chuck), her brothers to Charlie, her moms to Patricia, and her dad to Robert. That's Lana Del Rey's family's real names and it's easier to go with those in my mind. By the time you all read this the names will all be changed in previous chapters (which is gonna suck a lot, so if I miss any just correct me on it and I'll fix it. Sometimes I won't catch it)
When I first started writing this, I had just gotten into LDR so I didn't know about her family. I honestly just made up the names as I went along.
Also, I don't want this to sound wrong, but I got rid of her sisters kid. It's just too much to keep up with and ages and stuff as the story goes along and ugh just irritating so if you really want, go to chapter 'January' and I changed how she was born.

And also I'm making things move a lot faster. I'm twenty or so chapters in and I'm only in 1957, so this will be picking up faster and more time jumps.


"I came up with a new name. A stage name. Lizzie Grant is boring." I said to Chuck.

She laid on her stomach on my bed in the dressing room with her chin in her hands. I stood looking in the mirror while brushing my brown hair.

"Tell me." She urged.

I set the hairbrush down on the counter and turned around. I pushed myself up onto the counter and crossed one leg over the other.

"Lana Del Rey. It's elegant. It's exotic. It's shapes the type of music I wanna make." I replied.

Chuck smiled. "I actually really like that name."

I smiled sweetly at her. "Thank you."

She made a confused face. "Why do you sound like that?" She asked.

"Like what?"

"All, soft spoken. Girly." She answered.

"Oh," I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I wanna be ladylike." I replied.

The truth is, I overheard Elvis talking to his friends about him loving soft spoken small girls and I told myself, that's just what I'll become.


Christmas Morning 1957

Red snapped a bunch of pictures on Polaroid cameras of reactions of people opening their gifts. My family had come over to join us at Graceland around the huge tree with tons and tons of presents.

Elvis sat on his knees with a letter in his hand. I sat next to him while watching my parents open gifts they had gotten each other. I heard Elvis tear the envelope open and then a flash of a camera.

I heard Elvis sigh. "What?" I turned to him.

He waved the paper in front of my face. "I got an army draft." He said.

I felt my heart and face drop. An army draft? "But Elvis..!" I started.

"What's wrong?" Gladys asked as she walked in with a tray of cookies that she sat on the dining room table.

"I got a draft, momma." He said smoothly. Gladys' eyes went wide. She shook her head. "No..no cant you use your stardom to stop it?" She begged. She sat on the 10 foot white couch next to Vernon. He put his arm around her.

"No momma. I want the same treatment as everybody else."


Elvis was allowed to finish filming King Creole before he left for the army. My heart ached in fear for him every day before he left. Elvis kept assuring me over and over that everything was okay and it was peace time.

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