13: Polariod Punch

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After another two weeks, Elvis came home.

Girls were going wild over him. And I guess I was jealous. He is my boyfriend.

When the tour bus pulled up in front of his house and Elvis stepped out with his luggage in hand, I ran over to him and hugged him. He dropped his luggage and picked me up and spun me around.

"I missed you!" He said and kissed me. I grabbed his face and kissed him back. "I missed you too." I smiled warmly.

He hugged Gladys, Vernon, and Dodger next.

"Elvis you must be so exhausted." His father said. "Are you hungry?" Gladys asked.

Elvis shrugged. "Yeah I could go for a big meal, momma." He put his arm around her. They both went inside with the rest of us following.

"How was the tour?" Gladys asked while she prepared food with Elvis sitting at the table facing her direction. I sat next to Elvis. Vernon went down the hall, presumably to his room. Dodger sat in the living room, finishing up her seeing she was occupied with before Elvis came back.

"Oh momma, it was so much fun. Just rock and rollin'. It's great to be home." He turned his head and looked at me as if he had just noticed me for the first time. He grabbed my hand in his and brought it up to his lips. His lips brushed the back of my hand.

"I missed you guys though." He added solemnly. That made me blush and smile.

"That's good. I'm happy for you." Gladys turned around for a second and smiled at Elvis.

"Me too." I added. Elvis heartedly smiled at both of us.


Later that night, I helped Elvis unpack his suitcase. Throwing dirty clothes in his hamper and the few clean ones I hung up.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Elvis said and left his room. I heard him close a door down the hall.

I turned back to the empty suitcase. I noticed a zipper to a secret pocket in the folds of the inside fabric, so i unzipped it. I reached inside and my fingers closed around what felt like pictures. I pulled them out of the pocket. Polaroids.

I studied the pictures closely. I saw Elvis standing with Dixie...? His old girlfriend?

I felt a wave of anger and confusion. Why was she there? They had their arms around each other and looked like they were the happiest couple. I thought he hasn't seen Dixie in 2 years...

I heard the bathroom door open and Elvis came back into his room. He looked like he was caught red handed when he saw the pictures in my hands.

"Why are you with Dixie?" I demanded.

"She uh...came to a concert. And we just talked. Hung out. Not like that. Just talked." He replied nervously. A new wave of white hot anger came over me.

"You're lying." I said strictly. "You're a liar."

He looked worried now and lurched for me, pulling me in his arms.

"No-no-no. I'm not I swear. I only saw her for a minute, really." He almost pleaded.

I pushed him out of my space. "Sure you did. Next you'll tell me that she grew wings and flew away." I rolled my eyes. "I gotta go." I said and walked out of his room.

"Liz wait," Elvis pleaded. "Don't leave you're getting worked up over nothin'." He followed me all the way to the front door.

"Really? Cause it seems to me that I didn't get a single call. Not one! Is it because you were seeing her?!" I almost shouted but I didn't want Gladys or Vernon or Dodger to come running.

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