10: Heartburn Motel

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Valentine's Day 1954

"Close your eyes." Elvis said in my ear. His breath hot. "Why?" I questioned stubbornly.

"Because I have a surprise. Just close your eyes." He said. "Fine." And I did. Elvis opened the car door and got out. A few seconds later my door opened. He clutched my hand and I stepped out of the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Keep your eyes closed." Elvis said. I would have rolled my eyes if my eyes were open.

All I knew was we were in a parking lot at the moment. I heard my door close and we began walking.

"There's stairs here." He said. His voice shaky. He led me up a set of stairs. "Elvis really. Just tell me." I said.

The weather was freezing. It is still winter and I really didn't want to be outside. I used my free hand to pull my jacket tighter around me.

"No Lizzie. Don't ask again." He said. We kept walking until he suddenly stopped. I heard keys jingling into a lock, then unlocking a door.

"Step inside and open your eyes." He whispered in my ear. I did as he said. My shoes touched carpet and warm air embraced my skin. I opened my eyes and was taken back by what I was seeing.

It was a motel room, but it was all made up. There was rose petals on the bed. Candles lit everywhere.

"Elvis..." I started. But I didn't know what I was going to say.

Elvis stepped in behind me hand closed the door. "Elizabeth, I love you. And I respect you. I won't touch you unless you give me permission to." He said looking me in the eye.

I turned my head and looked back at the scenery. My heart was pounding. This was it. This is what makes girls into women.

I nodded slowly. "Yes." I said quietly. Then he stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He tilted my head and kissed my neck, causing me to moan in delight with my eyes closed and a smirk on my face.

I was terrified. Beyond petrified. I didn't know what to do? I haven't been intimate since I left New York, but I wasn't gonna tell him that. Is he a virgin?

He gently bit my neck. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and planted my lips on his.

The kiss was innocent at first, then got rougher.

He picked me up bridal style and set me on the surprisingly soft motel bed.

He laid above me, groping my body and kissing my lips. His pelvis was against mine, but only a few layers of clothes separated them.

He pulled off my lips. "Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded.


(Okay I've been reading off of the Sun Records website to get info on what happened to be as accurate as possible, but right now I'm going to put things together. Here Elvis will play with Scotty and Bill instead of taking a while to meet up with them. )

Summer 1954

Sam agreed to another audition for Elvis after hours of me begging him.

Elvis has really been practicing every moment he wasn't working. He's been trying so hard and I knew Sam couldn't turn him down this time.

Elvis came into the studio on July 5. He looked pretty well rested considering we were up all night playing with fireworks. Elvis loves fireworks.

His hair was groomed and he was clean shaven. His blue eyes sparkled.

I was sitting at Marion's desk while Marion and Sam were helping Scotty Moore and Bill Black set up to play when Elvis walked in.

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