6: Satnin

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In December, I spent the whole month searching for Elvis' Christmas present. I didn't know what to get him. I couldn't decide. It's so hard to shop for other people.

My sister looks like she's keeping a basketball hostage in her shirt now. She's due next month on January 20th, 1954. Apart from her stupid cravings, I could handle her.

And Elvis' birthday was next month which made finding a present 500 times more stressful.

Elvis was practicing everyday on his dinky guitar to be good enough for Sam so he was always busy.

Then a few days before Christmas, I got an idea. Elvis needed a new guitar.

I went into a musical instrument shop and looked through the rows of guitars. My hands stopped on a guitar even I fell in love with.

It was gold colored and shiny. I could see my reflection in it.

I picked it up and carried it by the neck up to the front of the store. I walked to the man behind the counter.

"Can I have this engraved?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." He said. "Then I'll take this one. And I want to get my boyfriends name engraved into it." I said. He handed me a piece of paper and a pen.

"Write his name please." He said.
I handed the guitar to him over the counter and scribbled 'Elvis Presley' on the paper and slid the paper and pen to him.

"What's your name?"

"Lizzie Grant." I said.

"Phone number?" He was writing this information on the paper. I gave him the number.

I pulled money out of my wallet and payed the amount.

"Okay, it should be ready tomorrow. I'll call you if other wise." He said.


I went over to Elvis' house after that. His Christmas tree was standing tall in the living room, all bright with lights and ornaments.

His family had gone out that night to God knows where so Elvis and I were alone. We were in the kitchen making dinner together and dancing with each other to Christmas records his mom owned.

He spun me around many times and I landed against him laughing over and over again. And I would pull his face to mine and attack his lips. God, I loved him so much.

We were cooking burgers on the stove in a pan. I toasted some buns and cut up tomatoes. While slicing a tomato, I felt his hand grab my butt.

"Elvis!" I cried with laughter. I turned around in his arms.

"Can't help it satnin. It's in my nature." He kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and sat me on the counter so now my legs were around his waist.

"You pelvis." I joked. He chuckled. "Told ya hon. Can't help it." He smirked.

"I got your present today." I said smiling. I always have a smile on my face around him.

"What is it?" He asked. "Well I can't tell you. That would ruin the surprise!" I said and gently pushed him away and hopped back on the tile floor.

"Aw satnin that's not fair."  He whined.

"You'll love it, I promise. I want it. I might just steal it." I smirked.

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