The Cabin

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Nate's thighs were beginning to burn from the steep climb, but he pushed on. Night was closing in fast and the air had a bitter chill to it that promised snow. He shifted the pack on his back and glanced behind him.

"It's getting fucking cold, man." Kyle hugged himself and shifted his feet, lagging behind. His pack was smaller but still sagged low on his back. "Lets go back to the truck and find someplace we can drive to."

"It isn't much further" Annoyance pinched Nate's face and squeezed his words. "Quit your fucking whining,"

Kyle scowled then tried to adjust his pack, revealing his inexperience as a seasoned hiker. "Are you even sure we're on the right trail?" He groaned. "How long has it been since you were up here?"

"I know where I'm going." Nate shook his head and released his own scowl. "I'm pretty sure this is the right way."

"Pretty sure?" Nate rubbed his hands up and down his arms. A purple tint darkened his lips. "You mean you don't know for sure? What if we get all the way up there and there's no cabin? What then?"

"Then we'll figure something out." Nate snapped. "Now move your ass. It'll be dark soon."

Kyle groaned and quickened his step. "Why did we come out here anyway?"

"I was hoping..." Nate stopped and turned to face Kyle. " knock some of that sissy city slicker out of you. Get you back to nature."

"Well I'm here." Sarcasm drenched Kyle's words. "And I think I like my city slicker persona. Nature sucks."

"You're such a pussy." Nate turned away and continued up the trail.

"What do you know about pussy?" Kyle quipped. "You fuckin' homo."

"Fuck you."

"I bet you'd like that." Kyle smirked. "You bitch about me being a city slicker...but I bet you fantasize about this little city slicker ass, don't ya"

Nate shook his head and kept moving, ignoring Kyle's ribbing. Even if he was a city boy and a total wuss when it came to the outdoors, Kyle was his best friend. The guy had known Nate was gay since they were both fourteen when Nate had opted for Kyle to be his first kiss. To Nate's dismay, Kyle had been uncooperative. Nate had walked away from that with a black eye. But he'd still gotten his kiss, even if it came with a price.

To Nate's surprise, his little stunt hadn't caused a riff between him and Kyle. The guy simply viewed it as something to hold over Nate's head and needle him with every chance he any best friend would do. So that was their routine. Kyle fucked with him about being a homo, and he fucked with Kyle about being a city slicker sissy. It was all good.

"You wish you were my fantasy." Nate muttered. "Trust me, if I'm gonna take the time to fantasize, the guy's gonna be a hell of a lot hotter than you, you scrawny motherfucker."

"Scrawny?" Kyle snorted. "I'm not scrawny, I'm lean." He grinned and puffed as he climbed the trail behind Nate, his breath exploding in steamy plumes on the chilled air, his pack pulling at his arms.

"That's what all the scrawny guys say." Nate chuckled. "But I can still see your ribs and that's a fucking turn off." He smiled. "I like meat on my man."

Kyle cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, I bet you like meat on your man."

Nate chuckled again, not missing the innuendo. "Damn straight, baby."

"I don't get you fags." Kyle shook his head. "Seriously, how can a guy prefer dicks over chics? It don't make sense."

"You ever tried it?" Nate glanced over his shoulder and winked at Kyle. "You might like it."

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