To Have And to Hold

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"Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming,
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and 
thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever."

- I Don't Want To Miss A Thing, AEROSMITH


The knife chopped through the vegetables skillfully, Nate's hands guiding it like a seasoned Chef. Kyle stood on the opposite side of the kitchen island chopping celery in a much less skilled manner. His knife faltered as he watched Nate, the man's eyes intent on what he was doing.

Aren't we domestic? Kyle thought with a faint smirk. He continued to watch Nate as the man seemed oblivious to Kyle's observation. His throat suddenly squeezed as a pressure pushed against the inside wall of his chest. I want to marry you. I want to be your husband. God, baby, I want it so bad.

His gaze settled on Nate's left hand as the man quickly, carefully grabbed the raw vegetables and guided them under the blade. He had yet to wear the ring Kyle had left for him. They hadn't even mentioned it. But though he said nothing, Kyle had noticed almost from the moment he'd awakened in the hospital.

A nagging anxiety pinched his gut whenever he thought about it. There was no doubt in him that Nate loved him. The man hadn't hesitated to prove that time and again. But what if...

Kyle resisted the thought, but it shoved its way in regardless.

What if he doesn't want to get married?

"You gonna finish up that stock anytime in this century?"

"Huh?" Kyle blinked. Nate was staring at him, his mouth corked at the right corner. Nate raised an eyebrow and looked at the half chopped celery stock on the cutting board before Kyle. "Oh." Kyle cleared his throat then smirked. "Well we can't all be chefs, smart ass."

Nate shrugged. "True." A smug, self-satisfied grin graced his lips.

"Why do you know how to cook so good, and I don't?"

Chuckling, Nate shrugged again. "Self preservation." he said. "I don't have a mommy to do all my stuff for me."

Kyle's lips quirked. "My mommy loves me." he told him with his own level of smugness. "She likes doing things for me."

Snorting, Nate shook his head. "Well, don't think I'm gonna take over for her. Your lazy ass can do for yourself."

"Really?" A mock whine entered Kyle's voice. "You won't do for me?"

Nate grinned and shook his head again as he scooped the chopped vegetable into a wooden bowl. "Nope. Time little Kyle grew up and learned to take care of himself."

Abandoning the half chopped celery, Kyle moved around the end of the island and stood behind Nate, his fingertips playing up the man's back. Nate laughed and squirmed.

"What the fuck you doing?" he chuckled. "Get back to work."

"You say you won't do for me?"

"That's right." Nate said matter-of-factly.

Kyle grinned and leaned closer, his mouth touching the back of Nate's neck. "But will you still do me?"

"Fuck." Nate laughed and shrugged Kyle off him. "Shut up and get back to chopping."

"I'd rather do something else that ends with -ing." Kyle moved back in and pressed his body to Nate's, then thrust his hips against the guy's ass. "Starts with ffff-"

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