The Wedding (pt. 2) - "With This Ring"

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{Nate} I promise, that I will love you.

{Kyle} And I promise, that I'll love you too.

{Both} Here's my heart, I give it away

On this our wedding day.

= I Promise, CARMAN


Just breathe. You can do this. You're not gonna feint OR throw up.

His silent pep talk wasn't doing much good, because Kyle felt certain he might well do both. Wouldn't that be a precious memory? Throw in a few photos to immortalize the event. Lovely.

A light pressure squeezed his hand and he looked up. Nate was gazing at him, a smile pulling at the right corner of his mouth. He squeezed Kyle's hand reassuringly and winked. Relax, baby, you're gonna do just fine.

The power behind that look, the touch of his hand, blasted through Kyle's anxiety, eradicating a good portion of it. No matter what happened, how good or bad he did here today, when it was all over – he and Nate would be married. And the look in Nate's eyes reminded him all over again that that's all that really mattered. Everything else was just fluff.

Kyle squeezed Nate's hand and smiled, signifying he got it. There was slight dampness to Nate's palm and when he looked at the man's face, a faint glossy sheen tainted his hairline across his brow and at his temples. Taking it in stride, my ass. You're shittin' bricks.

"What?" Nate murmured low when Kyle ducked his head and grinned.

"Nothing." he whispered. "Just nice to know I'm not the only one sweating bullets."

Squeezing Kyle's hand again, Nate just chuckled low and looked forward when the preacher signaled he was ready to begin.

Oh God, this is it, Kyle thought. Just three quick requests, Lord – strengthen my bladder, calm my stomach and clear my head. Amen.

* * *

Kyle clutched his hand so tight Nate nearly winced. A slight tremor ran through the guy's touch. Or was it he himself quaking? Nate couldn't be sure. Standing face to face with one's dream, about to watch it unfold, come true, right before your very eyes – it was both the most beautiful and most frightening thing in the world. People dreamed all their lives, and it seemed only a select few ever saw those dreams materialize into reality. Nate had never really believed he would be one of the chosen to have it all handed to him. And it scared him to death to be given such a blessing, to hold a gift this precious in his hands, knowing it was up to him now to nurture it, protect it, never forget how special it is.

Kyle squeezed his hand again, as if assuring himself Nate was really there, in the flesh, and not merely an illusion. Nate glanced at him, needing his own assurances that this wasn't all just some manifestation of his own mind.

When Kyle's fingers tightened around his hand once more, the man's words to his mom – "He's like a Super man" – wrapped warmly around Nate's heart. Kyle was cocky and covered up a lot of how he truly felt, but it was no secret to Nate that that was how Kyle had always seen him; like a Super man. He knew that no matter what he got himself into, or what threat life thrust at him...Nate would be there, protecting him at all costs. And it was true. Nate would stand between Kyle and any level of threat – even Death himself.

Nate glanced at Greyson, who stood to his right. The man smiled and gave him an encouraging nod. Janice was at Kyle's left and touched his arm, squeezing affectionately. Her soft eyes shimmered as she looked past her son and met Nate's gaze briefly. She trusted him to take care of Kyle, and he knew it gave her great comfort to know Nate would be with Kyle every day of his life. After what they had all went through, a part of her would always worry about her son. But now Nate would be there, always watching over him, looking out for him, making sure he had no setbacks. Even if by some strange occurrence Kyle had turned down Nate's proposal – he still wouldn't have left the man's side, even if it had meant him moving to LA and living in the same house with them. He would've never again let Kyle out of his sight.

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