EPILOGUE: "Lost In Your Love" (pt 2)

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"When the two of us are one

 There's no place I'd rather be...oh no

 Disappearing in your love

 Wilder than my wildest dreams

Lost inside your love, believe me

 And if I don't come up then leave me

 Inside your love forever

 Lost inside your love."

- Lost Inside Your Love,  ENRIQUE  IGLESIAS


 Kyle wasn't aware of just when he dropped off, but when he awoke, it was dark outside and the only light were the flickering shadows of the fire. His eyes weighed heavily and he was about to allow sleep to reclaim him when he reached over for Nate and found only empty bed. He rubbed his hand over the bare sheet and up across the pillow. Pushing up on one elbow, he searched the cabin. The fire burned bright, illuminating most of the room, but Nate wasn't there.

A frown stole across his brow, a quill of anxiety piercing his heart and not really sure why. "Nate?" He sat forward, swallowing tightly. He'd never admitted it aloud to Nate or anyone, not even himself really, but since awaking from the coma...he was scared of the dark. Or rather – being alone in the dark. And though the firelight dispelled most of the shadows in the cabin, the twinge of panic still pinched his gut and quickened his breath. "Nate?" he called a little louder, and was two seconds from leaving the bed when the front door opened and Nate stepped in, packing an armload of wood. His pulse instantly calmed from any form of panic, but quickened again with other emotions.

Nate dumped the wood in the wood box next to the fireplace then brushed off the sleeves of his thick denim jacket. He grinned at Kyle, "Hey, sexy. I didn't expect you to be conscious again until morning." He unbuttoned his jacket and peeled it off, revealing a shirtless torso. His jeans hung low on his hips with no trace of the elastic band of his briefs, informing Kyle he wasn't wearing any. Nate grabbed a couple pieces of wood and tossed them on the fire, squatting before the fireplace.

Sitting forward a little more, Kyle's gaze caressed his back, eyes lingering on the waist of his jeans where they rippled and pulled away from his lower back, affording the tiniest glimpse of his lovely crease.

"What're you looking at?" Nate murmured without turning, a smile in his voice.

"Just enjoying the view of my recent purchase."

"Purchase?" Nate twisted his head half way around. "I don't recall getting paid."

Kyle chuckled and shoved back the blankets. The interior of the cabin was comfortably warm, even bordering on toasty. He left the bed and walked over to Nate, who glanced up at him, his gaze not really making it past Kyle's heavy member.

"Better be careful standing so close to the fire." He smiled wryly then leaned over and kissed Kyle's stomach just above the base of his cock. "Don't want any roasted weenies." His lips brushed over Kyle's quickly hardening flesh, then stood up slowly, resting his hands on Kyle's hips.

Grinning, Kyle moved closer and cupped Nate's ass, squeezing, pushing his chest and crotch against the man. "Oh I don't know, might go well with your...toasted buns." With that, he gave Nate's ass another squeeze.

"You're insane." Nate chuckled and kissed him, slipping his arms on around his waist, rubbing down over his firm but soft bare cheeks. His fingers worked the warm flesh and he groaned. "God, baby, I love your ass." He kissed his neck and grinned. "Have I told you that?"

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