Eyes Wide Shut

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"Tonight, I wanna give it all to you

In the darkness, there's so much I wanna do...

Tonight, I wanna see it in your eyes

Feel the magic, there's something that drives me wild."

I Was Made For Lovin' You, KISS


"I don't think so." Nate rolled onto his back once more and watched the flickering fire light dance across the low ceiling.

"Chicken shit." Kyle snorted and rested on his elbows, watching Nate.

"Excuse me?" Nate sat forward and twisted around, staring at Kyle.

Smirking, Kyle cocked an eyebrow. "You're scared, princess." He sat up and kicked off his shoes then drew his feet up on the bed, wrapped his arms loosely around his legs and rested his chin on his knees. His sickeningly sexy smile wreaked havoc with Nate's senses.

"I'm not a chicken shit." Nate said. "I just don't trust you."

"Come on." Kyle pressed. "What do you think I'm gonna do?"

Nate cocked an eyebrow. "God only knows."

Scooting off his bunk, Kyle began to poke at Nate. "Come on, you fucking pansy. Play with me."

Nate slapped at his hands. "God, you're such an annoying little shit." Nate smacked away another jab by Kyle. "Why the fuck do I hang out with you?"

"'Cause you love me." Kyle needled, drawing out the word love.

Rolling his eyes, Nate laid back down on the bunk and laced his hands behind his head. "I think it's you who is so fucking in love with you."

Kyle chuckled. "Maybe." He kicked the edge of Nate's bunk lightly. "Fuck, man, you dragged my ass up here, at least humor me."

Nate turned his head and looked at Kyle. "I thought you said I didn't drag your ass anywhere."

"Fuck." Kyle snorted. "I just said that because you were getting all emotional and queer about everything."

Shaking his head, Nate chuckled low. "Whatever, man." He wasn't sure how to diffuse Kyle and get him to give up wanting to play his game. But the guy was right – Nate was chicken shit. Kyle rarely passed up an opportunity to fuck with him about being gay, and that was when the guy was sober. Drunk? Who knew what the fuck he would do. And tonight was not the night for drunk Kyle to decide he wanted to do a little experimenting. Nate was not in the proper frame of mind to fight him off.

As if reading his mind, Kyle grinned. "Look, I'm not gonna pull any freaky shit. I just want to be reining champion again."

Kyle rested one knee on the edge of Nate's bunk and stared down at him, his trademark smirk on his lips. An electrified shiver ran through Nate's body and, again, pooled in his groin, hardening him to painful proportions. He pressed his head hard against his hands to keep himself from grabbing Kyle and dragging him down on the bed with him. He'd never wanted to fuck a man so bad in all his life.

His breath quickening, Nate cleared his throat and looked away, turning his eyes to the ceiling once more. "Fine. Whatever." He muttered, then snapped his eyes back to Kyle. "But no perverted shit, got it?"

Kyle rolled his eyes and snorted. "As if I want to get perverted with you, queer-bo."

Though Kyle's words were reassuring, he was staring down at Nate with a look that nearly made Nate burst inside his jeans, convincing him he had just made a huge mistake in relenting to play with the guy.

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