Whisper To A Scream

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"I'm a hold ya down until you're amazed

Give it to ya till you're screaming my name

No escaping when I start, once I'm in I own your heart

There's no way you'll ring the alarm, so hold on until it's over."

- For Your Entertainment, ADAM LAMBERT

Damp strands of hair laced through Nate's tense fingers as he gripped Kyle's head, restraining him with gentle firmness.

"Nate." Kyle whispered and kissed his naval, causing his abdomen to quiver with a funny sensation that rippled up and down his body. Kyle hesitated, waiting, the waistband of Nate's boxers hooked against his fingertips. "Just let me."

The plea in his voice was uncharacteristic of the Kyle that Nate knew so well. Yet it resonated with sincerity. Was this still Jack talking? It didn't feel like Jack. But it didn't exactly feel like Kyle either.

"What're we doing, Kyle?" The question rasped up Nate's throat, thick and course. "I think...we need to stop."

Kyle slid his arms around Nate's waist and laid another kiss on his stomach, slightly damp with saliva. "You talk too much, Nate." His lips trembled against Nate's warm skin. "Stop thinking about it...and just let go."

A sudden quiver shook Nate's abdomen when Kyle slowly traced his tongue around his naval and licked through the depression. His fingertips tensed against Kyle's scalp, squeezing his damp hair. A sharp breath lodged in his throat as Kyle's mouth moved lower and grabbed gently at his hard member, sucking at him through the cotton briefs.

"Shit." Nate's knees went weak with a suddenness that nearly dropped him to the floor.

Kyle's fingertips were hooked in the waistband of his boxers again, tugging them down. He didn't give Nate a chance to object or resist, but quickly dragged the shorts down his legs to his knees, freeing his throbbing member. Just the cool air hitting his hot hard flesh caused Nate to suck in a deep, sharp breath. He could feel his own wetness where his precum juices were leaking from his cock head in a steady flow. Fuck, he needed to cum so bad. His balls were like stones and ached so bad it made his eyes water.

The realization that he wasn't going to last long hit him the second Kyle's hands rubbed up his thighs and he felt his hot breath touch his steel balls.

"Fuck, Kyle..." Nate whimpered, nearly in tears, needing the release so bad he could scream. A strangled cry ripped out of him when Kyle licked his balls, the tip of his tongue slithering all over their tight surface, prodding and probing, flicking and teasing.

Hot tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes as his chest began to heave with force. "Kyle...fuck...I can't...hold it..."

In response, Kyle's warm, wet tongue licked up the underside of Nate's throbbing cock as his hand slipped in and gently massaged his aching balls.

"Fuck, man!" Nate cried, his breath erratic and exploding out of him. He couldn't think about the right and wrong of what was happening, all he was aware of was Kyle's tongue sliding around his rock hard shaft, his hand between his legs working his balls, coaxing them to give up their treasure.

The man's strong hand gripped his cock and began to stroke with just the right pressure and firmness, the perfect pace and rhythm. Nate's fingers gouged Kyle's scalp and another cry wrenched from him as Kyle's hot mouth covered his cock head and sucked with a pulsing pressure, using tongue and lips to execute the mind shattering sensation.

Where the fuck had he learned to do that?

But Nate wasn't up for a Q&A just then. The orgasm was coiling around him, squeezing tight, showing no mercy. He was there, he could feel it.

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