C'mon And Love Me

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"Your touch brings me to my knees

You've got me begging - Please! Please! Please!

Take my heart and melt it down

Touch me, turn me on and burn me down."

- Burn Me Down, MARTY STUART

Kyle started to lean forward. "Easy, man-"

Nate knocked him back down with another palm to his chest as he grabbed at the guy with a desperate rage. Kyle's fierce erection pressed against the confines of his briefs, bulging at the open fly of the jeans. Hooking his fingers beneath both the waistband of the jeans and the briefs, Nate dragged them off Kyle's hips.

"Whoa!" Kyle reached forward quick and grabbed Nate's wrists. "Dude! Calm down!"

Nate knocked him down a third time then moved up quick to hover over the top of him, hands planted on each side of Kyle. "Calm down?" Nate's words raked up his throat like gravel. Fire burned in his eyes, he could feel the heat of his own stare as it seared into Kyle. "What happened to wild Kyle?" Nate leaned down closer, his mouth close to the guy's face. "Thought you wanted to fuck."

They stared at each other for a brief, static moment. In a quick movement that startled Nate, Kyle grabbed his head and pulled his mouth hard against his own, kissing him with intensity. Then Kyle's tongue was plunging into his mouth, grabbing his tongue, sucking hard. Nate's cock responded instantly as if there were a direct link from his tongue to his crotch.

A loud groan burst up his throat and he sank down hard onto Kyle's body, clutching the man's head in an intense grip. He ground his throbbing crotch into Kyle's groin then broke their heated kiss with a loud gasp and buried his face in his throat, grabbing at Kyle's skin with his teeth.

"Shit." The shaky word exploded off Kyle's lips. He clawed at Nate's back, dragging his shirt up over his shoulders.

Nate drew back and whipped the shirt off over his head, chucking it away in the shadows of the cabin. With urgent hands, he pulled Kyle's shirt up and off, discarding it as well. A heavy sheen of lust and desire glazed Kyle's eyes as he stared up at Nate, and it hit Nate like gasoline on a fire. He dropped down, his teeth snapping around one of Kyle's flat nipples, wrenching a loud bittersweet cry from the man.

"Fuck!" Kyle arched and bucked hard beneath Nate, his fingers digging into Nate's scalp as the man bit and sucked at the stiff nub. He licked and teased it with the tip of his wet tongue until Kyle was moaning and thrashing beneath him, then bit it again and sucked hard.

Kyle thrust his hard crotch up against Nate and sank his stiff, tense fingertips into his damp shoulder muscles, digging at his skin. "Fuck me, Nate!" He cried out. "Please!"

A tight groaning growl burst out of Nate as he slid down Kyle's body, biting the skin of his stomach, making Kyle squirm and buck even more. He grabbed the band of Kyle's jeans and briefs again and dragged them down his thighs in one swift yank, freeing his fierce erection. He could feel the heat pulsing off the thick solid shaft as it stretched up toward Kyle's stomach, heavy and glistening with precum.

Nate's chest heaved at the sight and a dizzying electric shock snapped through him, nearly causing him to cum in his jeans. Breathing hard, he dragged Kyle's jeans and briefs down over his feet and tossed them away. The voice in his head still screamed at him to stop and think about what he was doing, but there was no stopping now. He'd gone over the edge and there was nothing to pull him back.

Shoving Kyle's legs apart, he nipped at his inner thighs as he slid his hands up the man's legs. Kyle gripped fistfuls of the sleeping bag and lifted his hips to Nate as he brushed his lips against the hard, rippled muscle that ran along the underside of Kyle's cock.

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