Cross The Line, Never Looking Back

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IMPORTANT NOTE: To get the FULL EFFECT of this chapter  - you MUST listen to the song "CUCKOO" by ADAM LAMBERT!! VERY IMPORTANT! ;) I will attempt to paste a youtube link to the song at the right side of the chapter, not sure if it will work :) But VERY, VERY IMPORTANT that you listen to the song! If you're not already familiar with it - as I'm sure some of you are ;) Isn't Adam Lambert just THE BOMB!! haha! Love Him!!

Hope you all enjoy this ;) I had fun! Kyle is CRAZY!! lol


"You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me

Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes, When I couldn't see
For parting my lips, When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me."

- Thank You For Loving Me, BON JOVI

* * * * *

"When you love someone - you'll do anything
you'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
you'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
when you love someone."

- When You Love Someone, BRYAN ADAMS


He took a moment to revel in the priceless look of shock – and perhaps horror – on Nate's face. If the man hadn't been frozen in place, Kyle was quite certain he would have bolted for the door.

Ah, but you wanted it, baby, Kyle mused. And now you're gonna get it.

The microphone squeezed in his fist as he popped it loose from the stand. Nate's eyes were glued to him, narrow and tense. He didn't miss the shadow of warning in that stare either, even from across the room. Reading Nate's mind was simple, he knew the guy so well. He suspected his thoughts consisted of – You fucking little shit, I swear to God if you embarrass me, I'll wring your scrawny neck – or something to that effect.

As usual, Kyle ignored the warning, blowing it off as an empty threat. Nate wouldn't hurt a fly.

Unless that fly embarrassed him in front of a room full of people – then he would squash it.

Chuckling to himself, Kyle considered it worth the risk. After tonight – Nate would never doubt him again.

Nor will he ever take you out in public again, either – but what the fuck.

* * *

Pressure squeezed his jaw and tiny stinging shocks snapped up into Nate's face as his teeth clamped tighter and tighter. Oh God, please let this be a dream. He realized he was gripping his glass of soda way too tight just moments before it threatened to shatter in his hands – and released it.

"My name's Kyle." Kyle's voice seemed to boom throughout the room, surely not nearly as loud as Nate heard it, but certainly loud enough. "I'm here tonight with my...buddy...Nate."

You shit. Nate groaned and tried to will himself to disappear as Kyle's arm shot out and he pointed right at Nate – drawing the attention of everyone in the room. All eyes fell on him and he glared hard at Kyle. Count yourself lucky, boy, that looks can't kill.

Kyle grinned. "Come on, Nate!" he spoke even louder. "Stand up! Show 'em what a fine piece of man flesh you are!"

You are so gonna fucking pay for this.

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