Out of the Frying Pan (into the fire)

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"I wanna lose my mind, like a maniac

And cross the line, never looking back

We're on the loose, getting crazy

And we've gone cuckoo."


The tremors running through Kyle vibrated Nate's body, heightening his already intense need to thoroughly fuck his friend. He slid his wet, velvet tongue around Kyle's tight little hole, teasing the puckered skin with the tip of his tongue, making Kyle squirm and swear, demand, beg and plead for Nate to fuck him. And there was no question now – Nate was going to fuck him. Whatever reservations he'd had earlier were gone without a trace. He'd come too far for there to be any other option but to fuck Kyle. He would lose his mind if he didn't.

Tell me you love me, Nate.

Kyle's words suddenly hung heavy in Nate's mind. Why now, he didn't know, but they were there, like a dark cloud about to rain on their parade. Why would Kyle say that? Even in a drunken state of mind? He hadn't been asking Nate to say he loved him as a friend. But as...

What the hell was he doing? This was hardly the time for reflection, with Kyle's sweet ass spread open before him and the guy begging to be impaled by Nate in some way , shape or form.

"Nate." Kyle's voice shuddered through the dank air of the cabin like ripples on the surface of a pond. "Come on, man...stop fuckin' teasing me." There was a strain to his voice that betrayed his frayed nerves and intense need to be fucked.

A deep sense of satisfaction simmered within Nate, having Kyle so completely submitted to him, throwing off all his 'straight' inhibitions and just letting go and begging to be fucked by another man. It was a fierce turn on.

Nate smiled then pushed the tip of his tongue through the tight band of Kyle's lovely hole. Kyle sucked in a sharp breath then released a loud, shuddered whimper, clutching at the sleeping bag. "Yes..." he trembled, his whole body shaking.

The tight entrance flexed and sucked inward a bit, tugging at Nate's tongue as he squeezed it in deeper. He couldn't help wishing he had a tongue like Gene Simmons from the band KISS. God, it would be such a fucking erotic rush to be able to reach Kyle's sweet spot with his tongue and get him off that way. Just the idea hardened Nate's cock to massive proportions. But just tonging the guy's ass was nearly driving Kyle over the edge. He could make the man cum with this alone, if he so chose.

Drawing his tongue out, Nate kissed the tight hole wetly, holding Kyle's cheeks wide apart. "You ever have a girl do this to you?" Nate murmured against his friend's heated flesh.

"Fuck no." Kyle gasped unsteadily, a shaky laugh tripping off his lips. "Never asked...but somehow...don't think they...would have."

Nate smiled and teased him with his strong lips, applying a sucking kiss, making Kyle gasp sharp and swear. "Yeah, well...it's more a fag thing...girls don't seem to enjoy it as much." He stabbed at Kyle's hole with the tip of his tongue again. Kyle flinched hard and whimpered loud. "A shame, huh? For you straight boys, I mean." He swirled the tip around inside the hole, nearly bringing Kyle to tears. "I mean, you are straight...right, Kyle?"

A shaky laugh tumbled out of Kyle. "You say that as if...you might doubt it."

"Can't imagine why I might doubt your straightness." Nate murmured then shoved his tongue in deep and stroked his squeezing hole with as much of his tongue as he could get inside him.

"Oh my – Fuck!" Kyle nearly screamed. "Oh fuck yes, Nate! God!"

Gripping fistfuls of Kyle's hard ass and holding his cheeks wide open, Nate thrust his tongue into him deep and hard. His ass began to move against Nate's tongue, his breath quickening into short, sharp gasps and tight, whimpering cries. Nate shoved his hand under Kyle and grabbed his hard cock. As soon as his hand closed around the guy's steel shaft, Kyle instantly thrust through his tight fist, fucking his palm with more urgency as Nate fucked him with his tongue.

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