Love Me Out Loud

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"I see that sexy look in your eyes
And I know we ain't friends anymore
If we walk down this road
We'll be lovers for sure
So tonight kiss me like it's do or die
And take me to the other side."

- The Other Side, JASON DERULO

* * * * *

"I wanna have that crazy love
Want it running in my blood
I want it taking over me, over me, over me."

- Breathing Your Love, DARIN


There remained a residue of fear in the guy, and Kyle was fully aware of its roots. As far as Kyle was concerned, it was an unnecessary fear. But Nate could be irrational and worrisome at times – who knew?

"You don't seem like you really want to go out."

Nate sat on the corner of the bed, dressed nice and ready for their first real date since Kyle came home from the hospital almost two months ago. This night out was Kyle's idea. It would drive him nuts if he didn't get out and do something. Nate had been watching over him like a fussy mother hen, making sure he took his meds exactly when he should, getting him to his check-ups on time, every time. Forcing him to eat food that were supposed to be healthy for him but frankly tasted like shit. Kyle whined about it every step of the way just to annoy the guy, but the truth was – each and every time Nate took such care with him, displayed such depth of concern...Kyle had to bite back his tears – usually replacing them with a smart ass remark. Nate's love for him was above and beyond what his mortal mind could comprehend.

"No." Nate stood and flashed a smile that tugged just a little to the right, and as always managed to turn Kyle's legs to rubber...while transforming other parts into steel. Nate rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm ready when you are."

Liar. Kyle studied his face. The man was beautiful. Beyond beautiful. And so fucking sexy it was driving Kyle out of his mind. They hadn't done much in bed since he got home from the hospital and he was in desperate need to be seriously fucked by the man. Which was, in part, why he suggested they go out. If he remained in this house alone with Nate for one more full night, he was afraid he might rape the guy. So yeah, the date was for Nate's sake, first and foremost.

"I'm good to go." Kyle's wear – black t-shirt and jeans – wasn't quite as snazzy as Nate's long sleeve white dress shirt, black sports jacket with black jeans – but it turned Nate on, even if the guy didn't say so, and that worked for Kyle.

Nate's palm was suddenly pressed against Kyle's brow, a look of concern pinching the man's face. "You feel okay?" Nate asked, that incessant note of worry tainting his tone. "You look flushed. A bit warm too."

"I'm fine, nurse Betty." Kyle smirked. Nothing a good hard fuck wouldn't fix. "You're not gonna use me as an excuse to get out of our plans."

Nate frowned. "Why do you think I want out?"

"Don't know." Kyle shrugged, but he did know, and he would deal with it when the time was right.

"Maybe you're just delusional." Nate smiled. "Possibly a side effect of your drugs?"

"Yeah, whatever." Kyle approached him as he stood up, hooking his fingers loosely in the waistband of Nate's jeans. One fingertip worked between the small gap of two of his shirt buttons and traced light circles around Nate's naval. The guy's stomach instantly quivered and jerked. Kyle smiled darkly. "Of course...we could always stay something even more...exciting." He leaned against Nate's body and teased his Adam's apple with the tip of his tongue. "Ya think?"

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