Don't Know Jack

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He said, 'Are you blind or drunk?'

I said, 'Let me think.'

That's another good reason not to drink.”

- Another Good Reason, ALAN JACKSON

“Come on, man. Drink with me.”

Sparks burst up through the flames as Nate threw another chunk of wood on the fire. He brushed his hands together then wiped them on his jeans as he squatted before the fireplace. Resting his elbows on his knees, he looked sideways at Kyle. The guy was kicked back against the edge of the fireplace wall, downing more Jack Daniels.

“You're drinking enough for both of us.” Nate shook his head. “In fact, maybe you should ease up before you puke all over the place. The dead smell is bad enough, we don't need to add the stench of vomit as well.”

Kyle chuckled. The liquor was already beginning to take effect. “Fuck, man. I ain't gonna puke.” He twisted his head and grinned at Nate. Even in a half drunken state, eyes growing heavy, he was the sexiest, most fuckable man Nate had ever laid eyes on. His smirky, crooked grin was a hot iron, stabbing into Nate's skin, burning him through to the bone. And his eyes...good god, he had a way of looking at Nate with those piercing, clear blue eyes that made him want to strip down and dive into those waters and just drown in them.

The crotch of Nate's jeans tightened a bit and he shook his head. He'd just been fucking with Kyle about his body being scrawny. Well, when they were fourteen and Nate kissed him, then he had been scrawny – but still fucking gorgeous, nonetheless. But as they got older, the guy had filled out nicely. Yeah, he was lean. But a very sexy lean.

Despite the chilled air, a light sheen of sweat layered Nate's skin beneath his jacket. A warmth flushed his cheeks and he tugged at the front of his jacket.

“Well, just see that you don't.” Nate cleared his throat and avoided Kyle's eyes. He wasn't entirely certain why being alone with Kyle now was affecting him so much stronger than it usually did. They'd spent plenty of time alone and, yes, Nate had always secretly longed for the man at those times, but never like this. It was nearly more than he could bear and it was beginning to show a bit too prominently. He was now thankful for the darkness of the cabin and Kyle's somewhat inebriated state. They joked around, and Kyle was always ribbing Nate about secretly lusting after him, but it was all just hype. Kyle didn't really believe that shit. He had no idea how close to the truth he really came most of the time.

Nate's breath quickened without warning. His heart thumped forcefully against his ribs, and a searing ache spread through his groin, giving him an erection so fierce his jeans were becoming uncomfortable.

What the fuck? Nate sucked in deep breaths slowly, trying to calm his pulse. He felt like someone had slipped him an aphrodisiac, he was so fucking horny all of the sudden. He wouldn't put it past Kyle to fuck with him like that, but the guy hadn't had such an opportunity to slip him anything.

“You okay, man?” Kyle chuckled, his brow pinched in a frown. “Looks like you're the one about to puke.”

Nate licked his lips quick and cleared his throat. “No, I'm fine.” His voice felt scratchy, thick. “I think I'm gonna hit the hay, though.” He stood slowly, almost painfully as his tight, swollen goods adjusted a bit to his movement. He kept his back to Kyle, breathing deep, trying to dispel the sexual heat consuming him.

“No, man.” Kyle crawled unsteadily to his feet and grabbed Nate's arm. “Come on, it's early. Have a drink. Walk on the wild side with wild Kyle. Have some fun for once.”

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