And I Will Take You In My Arms

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"I get kind of dark, let it go too far

I can be obnoxious at times

But try and see my heart

'Cause I need you now, so don't let me down."

= Better Than I Know Myself,ADAM LAMBERT

His lips left Nate's mouth and kissed a slow warm path down his throat. Nate swallowed thickly and closed his eyes as he did as Kyle asked and just let all the questions and confusion go. He wanted to keep this night in tact as much as Kyle did...regardless of what unpleasant reality awaited with the morning light.

His fingers slid through Kyle's soft brown hair, just long enough to wrap and knot around Nate's hands. God, I wish this night would last forever, Nate thought as Kyle's lips glided across his chest then tugged gently at his left nipple. A low, sharp breath sucked in through his throat. Kyle's hands caressed his ribs as he focused his attention on Nate's sensitive nipple, swirling his tongue all around it, teasing the firm bud with the tip of his tongue, driving Nate out of his mind.

"Fuck, Kyle..." A shuddered breath slid off his lips as he gripped the guy's hair a bit tighter. Kyle covered the nub with his mouth and sucked at his flesh with enough force to cause Nate to buck slightly and gasp sharply. "You have an amazing mouth."

"So you've mentioned." Kyle smirked and licked the stiff nipple then nipped at the outer edge of Nate's pec muscle, causing the man to twitch hard. His teeth followed the swell of hard muscle up to the corner of Nate's arm pit. He pushed Nate's arm up above his head then bit at the edge of his pit, twisting the tip of his tongue through the course hair.

"Fuck!" Nate jerked back on reflex, started to drop his arm when Kyle held it up and grabbed some of the hair with his teeth. Nate shuddered and jerked again, a sharp breath filling his lungs. "God, man..."

"You don't like it?" Kyle murmured against the shallow cave of his armpit, then flicked his tongue across the sensitive skin.

A hard groan snagged in Nate's throat and his teeth clamped tight. "Fuuck!" His breath hissed between his teeth. The guy's tongue was like a magic wand; no matter where it touched him, it incited an instant, rock hard erection.

Nate jerked suddenly when Kyle pressed his tongue more firmly under his arm and swirled the tip around then grabbed at the tender skin with his teeth.

"Shit, Kyle!" Nate's crotch swelled and tightened, his briefs growing tighter, more uncomfortable.

Kyle didn't respond as his mouth moved a bit lower, sucking at the thin layer of skin and muscle over Nate's ribs. He sucked in a short, sharp breath when the tip of Kyle's tongue began to press in between each rib, tracing the slight grooves, working down his side, off the lower ridge of his ribcage, touching softer flesh that quivered and lurched as his wet tongue drew designs on his hot skin.

The air inside the cabin suddenly felt thicker, harder to draw into his lungs. Or maybe it was simply his throat tightening and closing, his chest squeezing with a suffocating pressure. A part of him wanted to beg Kyle to just stop for a moment, take his mouth completely away and let him breathe. But he couldn't get the words to his lips. Kyle's mouth felt far too good gliding across his damp, fevered skin. He would rather die right there on that bunk than make him stop.

Kyle's perfect hands caressed down Nate's body, touching him oh so lightly, like the breath of an angel wisping against him. He shivered with sweet ecstasy, feeling caught in some form of time warp that refused to let this night come to an end. He didn't mind. Tomorrow was like a smoldering black cloud on the horizon, promising the imminent arrival of a deadly storm that would rip through his heart and lay it to waste. And though he didn't know how the storm would manifest itself...he simply knew it would hit with devastating force.

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