Hold Me Now, Touch Me Now

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"You calm the storms, And you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, You won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, And you take my breath away.
Would you take me in, Take me deeper now.
And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me, How could it be,
Any better than this?

Cause you're all I want, You're all I need,
You're everything, everything."

- Everything, LIFEHOUSE


"I need you to promise me you'll be careful."

Nate stood alone in the kitchen with Greyson. The older man gazed at him intently.

"Of course." Nate said. "I'll watch out for Kyle. You know I will."

Clearing his throat, Greyson clamped his hands on his hips and stared at the floor. One hand went to the back of his neck, scratching absently. "Of course I know you'll look out for him." Greyson said low, then raised his eyes without really lifting his head. "That isn't exactly what I meant."

"What..." Nate's voice faltered as he suddenly caught the man's meaning. "Oh...uh..." He cleared his throat as warmth seeped into his cheeks and he emitted a short laugh.

"I'm not blind." Greyson said quietly. "I see how much you and Kyle love one another. And..." He pressed his lips tight, nodding slowly, his eyes creeping back to the floor. "How much you...want to express it."

Nate shifted uncomfortably. "Uh...yeah." He swallowed tightly.

Lifting his head, Greyson looked at him directly. "Kyle is doing well. His sternum is nearly completely healed. All his tests have come back satisfactory. But...I'd still advise against too much...activity all at once. Best not to take chances. I want to be sure he is fully recovered before his heart is put to the test to that degree."

"I understand."

"I know you do." Greyson said. "But I also know how quickly things can get out of hand, even when you don't intend for it to." He shifted and cleared his throat again. "You and Kyle are barely...containing yourselves now. And that's with Janice and myself constantly around. When you're back home...there's not going to be anyone to help rein you in."

Nate licked his lips slowly. "I won't let it get out of control." Greyson looked doubtful and, frankly, Nate felt doubtful but still he added, "I promise. I'll keep things under control."

Greyson's warning – and Nate's promise – consumed in the heat of the fire surging through both young men and exploded into ashes as Nate kicked open the bedroom door, causing it to slam back hard against the wall. Kyle was clutched in his arms as they came through the doorway in a frenzied rush, their bodies glued together, lips locked and breath panting into one another's mouths.

They dropped on the bed hard and Kyle clawed at Nate's shirt, tearing open the front, snapping buttons, ripping the button holes. As soon as Nate's chest became exposed, Kyle's mouth was on him, biting, sucking. Finding a stiff nipple, he clamped on with his teeth as he tugged and jerked Nate's shirt the rest of the way off.

"Fuck!" Nate hissed when Kyle bit harder then sucked – his warm, velvet tongue sliding all over the hard bud. His throbbing crotch ground against Kyle's, the guy's hunger for him pressing fiercely against the tight leather pants.

A sharp, erratic breath exploded out of him and he slid down Kyle's body and onto his knees on the floor at the edge of the bed, grabbing Kyle's hips and dragging him down closer. His hands rubbed firmly up Kyle's leather clad thighs then he dragged his palms over his hard crotch, squeezing and massaging.

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