EPILOGUE: "Lost In Your Love" (pt. 1)

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Take me to the other side

Sparks fly like the Fourth of July

Just take me to the other side

I see that sexy look in your eyes

And I know we ain’t friends anymore

If we walk down this road

We’ll be lovers for sure

So tonight kiss me like it’s do or die

And take me to the other side.”

= The Other Side, JASON DERULO


“T HE R E was a road? Why the hell did we walk last time?”

Nate chuckled and killed the engine then leaned back and stretched his arm across the back of the seat, playing with Kyle's hair. “It wasn't drivable last time, lazy ass.”

The feel of Nate's fingers in his hair sent tiny shock waves skittering down through Kyle's body. It seemed no matter how often Nate touched him, or even how minimal the touch, it never failed to quicken his pulse and heat up his body.

Kyle leaned forward in the cab and stared at the cabin; it had been totally renovated – even had a yard now, rather than overgrown, dead weeds and brush. Though at the moment thick frost clung to the grass blades. “We're not gonna freeze our asses off again, are we?”

“We didn't freeze our asses off before.” Nate smiled wryly.

True. In fact, it had gotten pretty damn hot inside that cabin. An ache crept through Kyle's heart at the memory though. There had been too much pain and hopelessness woven through that night. He flinched when Nate's hand flattened on the back of his neck, his fingers squeezing with affection.

“Don't look like that, Kyle.” Nate murmured.

Glancing at him, Kyle asked quietly, “Like what?” Nate just stared at him, and Kyle looked away. “Why didn't I just tell you the truth?” he whispered tightly. “You were my best friend...all my life you had my back.”

Nate's fingers gently caressed the side of his neck, then he drew Kyle against him. “You told me why...in your letter.” He kissed Kyle's temple then around to his lips. “You knew what it would do to me.”

“But I hurt you anyway.” he whispered. “Maybe worse than if I'd just been straight with you.”

Smiling, Nate kissed him again. “But you're not straight.”

“Shut up.” Kyle laughed softly. “You know what I mean.” He pulled back and sat up straighter. Warmth and love resonated from Nate's eyes.

“Yeah, baby, I do.” He touched Kyle's face. “But it's over. We made it through. Just barely, but we did make it.” Leaning over, he kissed Kyle's mouth with emphasis. “Now how about we just enjoy the rest of our lives?”

The man always knew how to make him feel better. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Good.” Nate grinned and shoved open his door. “Now come check out your wedding present.”

They left the truck and approached the cabin. Nate grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly. “So what do you think?”

“When the hell did you have time to do this?” Kyle murmured. “And without me knowing?”

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