Last Chance For One Last Dance

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"But you know I wanted, I wanted you to stay

'Cause I needed, I need to hear you say

That I love you, I have loved you all along

So keep breathing, 'cause I'm not leaving you anymore

Believe it, hold onto me and never let me go."


"Nate." Kyle sobbed. His hands rubbed down Nate's cheeks and he began to kiss all over his face as his thrusts quickened and grew harder, more urgent. "Please, Nate...please...just say it."

Nate's arm began to ache as he held up his body. He wrapped his free arm around Kyle's back and pulled him against him, hugging him so tight the guy gasped softly. Kyle's mouth found Nate's neck and kissed his fevered skin, biting at him, sucking. Then his lips were brushing against his ear.

"Please tell me." His static whisper fell from him on a wave of desperation. "I can't leave...without hearing you say it, Nate." More sobs cut through him and his lips returned to Nate's mouth, grabbing at him.

It was hard to think, to try and figure out the reasoning behind Kyle's pleas, as the man fucked him, pushing him steadily towards the brink. His mind was in a fog again when Kyle suddenly pulled back from him, and out of him. Nate panted hard, his head spinning. "Kyle..."

"Turn over." Kyle trembled, tears cracking his voice. Nate turned onto his stomach and Kyle covered him with his body, forcing his cock back inside Nate's tight, sensitive hole, until his pelvis was pressed snug against Nate's hard ass. He slid his arms under Nate and hugged him tight, his face pressed against his shoulder then began to thrust into him once more. Deep, long thrusts that hit the spot every time.

Nate trembled hard in Kyle's arms, his mind ready to explode with the rest of him. "Oh god, Kyle!" He cried. "Fuck!"

Hot tears smeared Nate's shoulder as Kyle pressed his face hard against him and fucked him with more urgency and desperation, his staggered breath blasting against Nate's back. Kyle didn't speak, just held him in a death grip, panting, his breath becoming shorter, sharper, his tears flowing harder as he shoved his forehead against the back of Nate's head and forced himself into him over and over.

"Oh Fuck, Kyle." Nate's balls were tight, snug against his body, his cock throbbing and pulsing, ready to burst. "Oh fuck, baby! I'm gonna cum!"

Kyle's arms tightened and he could feel the man's heart beat pounding against his shoulder blade. His hardness possessed Nate's body, claiming him. And it felt so good to be owned by Kyle, to be taken by him. Fuck, how was he going to get past this night? How the hell was he gonna let Kyle go?

His orgasm spiraled through him, winding around his insides. He cried out and clawed the sleeping bag beneath him, his ass arching to Kyle's thrusts. "Fuuck!! KYLE!!"

A strangled shout ripped out of Kyle's throat. His fingers dug into Nate's chest and his arms squeezed hard around him, his biceps flexing, as he fucked him erratically, his body slapping rapidly against Nate's ass, shaking the bunk. His breath exploded in hard bursts, his mouth touching Nate's ear.

Nate's cock was hard as a steel pipe and leaking like a hose. His balls were on fire and his body jerked suddenly as his orgasm grabbed him then clenched him in it's grip. He screamed Kyle's name loud and shrill, throwing his head back and shoving his ass against Kyle's aggressive, pounding cock as the guy's dick assaulted his sweet spot. Hard shots of cum exploded out of him, soiling the sleeping bag as he clutched at the covers, his body twisting in sexual agony.

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