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I wake up to the frenzy of warm steam coming from the bathroom and the scream of Taylor Swift coming from the speakers.
I groaned and pressed the feather pillow over my head, and Daemon chuckled as he walked in with a cotton towel tied around his waist. I sat up and gaped at his Thor/Alex Pettyfer/Hercules - chiselled by the gods - six pack.
His skin shone with the glint of the sun reflecting and his chest was perfection. When people searched up 'perfection' on google images this image would be the first item.
He stood and smirked with a toothbrush hanging at the side of his mouth.
"Is someone perving again Kitten" he said with a cheeky hint.
I felt myself blush and I hid my head under the covers,
"No" I said. I'm sure he wouldn't be able to hear me but I said it anyway.
Peeked one eye out from under the blanket and Daemon's smile widened and couldn't help but smile.
Daemon jogged around the side of the bed and put his wet hand around the back of my head and brought up my head for a long kiss.
We locked lips and he massaged his lips with mine.
He pulled away suddenly and rested his forehead in mine and smiled.
"You can look forward to a lot more later" he smirked before pulling away and jumping up "but some of us have to work".
I pouted in disappointment "I did tell you before" Daemon said while putting on a pair of jeans and a plain t-shirt which demonstrated his muscular structure to perfection "my lips change lives". He said before exiting the room in one swift movement.
"Tell Dee to turn that crap off!" I shouted after him while laughing.
Daemon stuck his head around the door and with a tricksters eyes told me "Don't diss swifty" he said "if it weren't for Tay-Tay we wouldn't have songs which say that men are all assholes and dickheads and Harry would never have found out what does NOT make her beautiful".
I couldn't help but burst out laughing because of his stupid choice in works.

I walked down stairs with my silk pastel pink dressing gown wrapped around my waist and I walked in to see Daemon inhaling a full English breakfast. I slouched against the counter as I watched Dawson and Beth Cook breakfast and the smell of the sizzling fat of the sausages and bacon made my skin tingle. The smell was heavenly and a head of hedgehog-hair poked around the door and came running in.
"Food!" She shouted.
"Seriously" said Archer rubbing his eyes and walking through the door before releasing an enormous yawn "you would think that Luxen were half starved from birth".
He stood next to me and patted my head before slapping my back.
"Oww" I whined before slapping his chest playfully.
Archer and I were never going to be very close. He had to much pain and torment in his past for him to have a committed friendship. However, Archer understood me and I understood him. No matter what happened I would always be there for Dee and Archer appreciated that.
Daemon wasn't a big fan of him but the fact that he helped us in Area 51 gave him a few extra bonus points.

Luc wondered in wearing his Vampire Diaries pj's, Everyone stared and giggled.
"Hey" he said "don't judge, only real men watch The Vampire Diaries".
I couldn't help but smile and I felt the brush of Daemons stubble on my neck as he went to put his plate away he stood behind me and put his arms around my waist and rested his head her shoulder.
"I'm going to work" he whispered "but we are going to meet you for lunch later and then maybe we could..." He kissed my neck as he was interrupted.
"Oh shut up!" Dee said "please I cannot watch my brother and best friend talk about sex in front of me!"
"Who said we were talking about sex?" Said Daemon with saracasm literally dripping from his mouth "we could have been talking about making pancakes. Jesus Dee you have such a sick mind."
Daemon walked away laughing and my face was redder than ever.

It was lunch time and I was lying on the bed surrounded in wrinkled clothes and I groaned and Dee came in with a towel around her head with more clothes piled high in her arms. I groaned and through myself back on to the bed.
"And why does my clothes matter" I asked.
"Because first impressions count" she said handing me another outfit to try on "and you want every single human being to drop to your feet and I work in a designer shop so I get employee discount and Beth doesn't want to wear them so you are now my fashion guinea pig."
I couldn't help but laugh at how serious she was, and as a result had a pair of jeans thrown at me.
In the end, I agreed to wear some black skinny jeans, a white sleeveless turtle neck with a big checkered coat with a brown fur collar and black ankle boats with a heel.
I hadn't warn heels since Daemon's birthday and it took a while to get used to.
Dee put on some chess board Leggings with a beige blouse and leather jacket. It suited her perfectly and she insisted on blow drying my hair so that it was very full and had a full curls at the end of each lock. And for the first time I felt 'in fashion' and even pretty.
I drew a thin line of eyeliner along Dee's lash line. Her thick eyelashes had a perfect curve in it which could get away with no mascara and still looking floor less.
"Katy?" Dee said "you know in 'area 51'?"
I shuddered at the memory of the place and I immediately felt tingling on my back. When I washed my back I still felt the thick scars bulge. I remember being turn between my heart and my head, whether to stick with the Luxen and keep fighting or stick with my kind and find a cure for cancer.
The wretched disease with took my father and took a part of my mother with it. I blinked and I felt a damp tear wrestle it's way down my cheek of foundation, powder and blush. It was unexpected. I felt a pain I hadn't felt since I was looking at a photo of my mum on the day of the accident.
"Katy?" Dee said waking me from my thoughts.
"Sorry" I said "it's just I have never really talked about it. Daemon lived through it so I never really felt the need to tell anyone else. But the only way I could describe it is 'inhumane' or just 'hell'. But the scariest thing was that you had to be prepared for anything.
And when Daemon turned up it was a whole lot worse" I spoke blinking back tears "they had the one person who I would sacrifice everything for in an instant, they had the leverage that I would give up everything for. They had my world. I was just tired. I was tired of fighting and trying to be clever and trying to escape. I wanted peace."
Dee's eyes were filling up with tears and I saw her thick eyelashes were stuck together and lanes of mascara mapped out her face.
"Did you.... Did you ever?" She spoke struggling to get out any words.
"Yes" I said immediately "I thought of taking my life. If that was what it would take to end everything or end people like Beth coming back into the world permanently in shock of what they had endured. If it would stop Daemon fighting and stop them going after you all. I would take my life" I said.
Dee's eyes were bloody shot and puffy "you do realise Daemon wouldn't be able to carry on without you."
"I know" I did know this but it was a truth I didn't want to hear.

"Dee?" I said "will you promise me something?"
She nodded but I could tell she didn't want to hear it.
"Let's face it" I spoke bluntly "I'm not going to live as long as you all, so will you make sure Daemon finds someone else when I'm gone. Just for a while till we can all be together again." Tears we uncontrollable and I felt my body shutter as I spoke these next words "I don't want him to be sad, there is to much sadness in the world and tell him to stop being a smart ass and get on with life". I laughed slightly before we both bursting into tears and cried and cried.

After we pushed off each other and tidied ourselves up we walked down stairs and Beth was standing with Ashely next to her. Ashely had grown enormously and now had thin brown hair to her mid back and her eyes glowed a purple before placing her glasses which Luc had gotten till she could wear contact lenses. She was gorgeous and Beth beamed as we made a fuss of her new outfit of a pastel pink summer dress and white tights and black buckle shoes.

We gathered out belongings and as Dee had her hand around the door handle she turned and said.
"In the words of Rose Hathaway" she said proudly before signalling for Beth to cover Ashely's ears.
"Let's make today our bitch".

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