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It has been days. Maybe weeks, since I have been in the maximum security prison. The routine only made the days go slower. I would be woken up at 6 by an siren and the glaring lights being switched on. Breakfast was slid in a small gap under the door which was quickly slammed shut. The walls seemed to be made of solid steel and my room consisted of a thin mattress in the corner of the room and a toilet. There was no windows for light to get in, nothing to prove to the world that I even existed. I spent day after day pacing or staring at the corners, I could even see the rust start to spread in the screws of the door frame. The hinges didn't look that strong but I had stopped caring.

Today seemed different. I could hear shoes scuffing beyond the door. That had never happened before. I could hear whispering, I could not quite make out what they were saying. I slowly got up from the mattress and slowly crept to the door and leaned my cheek against the cold door. I flinched at the cold feeling, and almost immediately the gap under to door opened and a tray of porridge and water was pushed under. I always avoided the porridge, the milk tasted sour and it always came with a pathetic piece of fruit but this time it had been replaced with a note.

It read as:
Be ready in 5

Be ready in 5? What does that mean? How long is 5? 5 seconds? 5 minutes? 5 hours? Or even 5 days? But what was even more curious. Who wrote it? I didn't recognise the handwriting. It wasn't from Daemon. His handwriting would not have looked so rushed. I quickly put the piece of paper in my bra and went back to sit on the mattress.

I felt like time was against me. Every second felt like a day. So when the door eventually shifted as it was unlocked, I threw myself into the corner of the room. I didn't want any trouble. I would defend myself if I had to but I did not want any trouble.

"Miss Swartz?" A deep voice whispered.

I couldn't see his face. I didn't see anything. I couldn't say anything.

"Is that you?" He whispered again. Taking another footstep into my cell.

"...yes" I whispered, I sat up so that I could see him.

"I have a message for you" he said quietly, but clearly. "The Black family know that you are here, and they intend to break you out in the next three days..."

"No!" I shouted and immediately covered my mouth. I had not meant to yell, the mysterious man jumped and went to slam the door. "Please. They cannot be allowed to find me. It would kill them." I whispered as harshly as I could.

"That is why they sent me", the guard gritted his teeth. "Try not to shout like that again. You will end up getting both of us killed." He shut the door and ran forward and leaned my forearms against the door.
"Wait!" I spoke. "I need to ask you, why you. I would not think Antony had any double agents."

"The less you know the better" he muttered through the gap in the door, which I had not realised had been left open. When that slammed shut as well, I collapsed and leaned against the door sobbing.
Why couldn't Daemon just respect my wishes. I am going to do this alone, find a cure on my own and runaway on my own if I want to.

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