The Ghost

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Daemon POV.

I felt the slight flickering of pain in my hands as I pushed myself off the grit and saw the ground. It was scattered with shattered glass. I turned and I was at least 5 paces from the car which looked like a crumpled coke can, in a ditch at the side of the road.
I looked to my other side and Katy was sitting up next to me.
She wasn't really doing anything, just scraping her fingernail against her torn jeans.

Her chin was bloodstained from her coughing, and she turned her head and stared at me sadly. I looked down and saw a shard of glass was sticking out of her arm, and blood was throbbing out of the gash.
I leaped up and took her arm gently in my hands, but she pulled away.

"Katy we have to get this out of your arm" I spoke softly "we will go and find Dee and the rest of them, and not be bothered by those arseholes."

She sniffed as a sob emerged.

"You don't understand Daemon" she said "the only way to get her out of my head is if I feel pain. I know now."

Daemons mind spiralled in confusion "Wait a second" he said scrunching his eyes shut "you are telling me that you have done this to yourself?"

Katy nodded slowly, shamefully.

My heart exploded with pain and torture as I couldn't stop this, and I couldn't stop the pain either.

"That's it!" I yelled, and I lifted her up into my arms and held her close to me "no more fucking around with sports cars and secret agents. I am going to sort this out the old fashioned way."

I steadied my feet into the ground and sprinted forward, and the source burst in my chest. I felt the wind slice at my cheeks as my legs moved at the speed of light.

Katy POV.

It was dark by the time we reached the nearest motel, and Daemon still refused to tell me where we were going.
"It will be a surprise" he said as he laid me on the bed, he pressed his hand against my forehead and closed his eyes. When I realised he was trying to heal me, I attempted to pull away but he refused

"I won't allow your stubbornness to be the cause of your death, Kat" he said bluntly.

"Daemon you can't use up all your power, if this surprise is as dangerous as I suspect" I said groaning, I was feeling less stiff thanks to him.

"You worry to much" he said pacing before stopping by the side of the bed "I really missed you, Kat". He held out his hand and took mine.

"You know that there is room for the both of us" I said innocently, by his smirk I could tell he interpreted it in the opposite way.

"I'm afraid that I'm not the kind of guy which would take advantage of someone's virtue" I snorted with the irony. 

Daemon walked to corner and picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers, he turned to face me with a grin on his face. I knew who he was ringing, and I was oddly surprised he hadn't rang them before this.

I smiled as Dee's screamed through the phone.

Daemon POV.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Dee yelled at me, which wasn't an unsurprising welcome.

"Well hello" I said twisting the phone chord around my fingers "my charming sister, I am humbled by your reaction to the sound of my voice"

"Don't play smart with me" she growled, she was pretty pissed and I started to feel the slightly afraid which Katy giggled at. "We have had the government crawling all over us, Burnie's gone and I've been expecting a phone call saying they shot you down".

I could hear her tears through the phone, and I hushed her down as I tried to explain everything and that they should probably sent Dawson to retrieve Burnie before he became the governments meat platter.
But then I came to my plan, Katy sat up on the bed intrigued.

"I think we in a motel near Cable Huntington Hospital" I said "so could you get everyone out here tomorrow and I have a secret weapon. But I could verify that secret weapon, if that fucking secret weapon would answer his bloody phone!"

Dee sighed "do I want to know what this 'secret weapon' is?" She said.

"Maybe not" I grinned "but it could stop out problems permanently".

Dee paused "ok!" She groaned "we will be there by tomorrow morning." She put the phone down.

"Do I even want to know" Kat said from the bed folding her arms. She was looking better already and less pail. But when I started punching more numbers in "well I guess I'm going to find out now.

The phone started dialling.

I grinned as my secret weapon picked up the phone.

"What the fuck do you want, Daemon Black!" He yelled "I was rather occupied and you have shitty timing!"

"Ahh" I chuckled "hunter I have to suggest an alliance, with my Luxen family and your Arum acquaintances to help destroy a certain programme going on. And I would be deeply surprised if there wasn't some of your kind there as well."

Hunter tussles around a bit, before saying something.

I interrupted him "and considering I have heard that you are currently on the run, I hear, it would be in your best interest to perhaps gain some friends".

Hunter groaned on the other end of the phone.

"Ok" he growled "I can guess that I am probably going to regret this."

"Not as much as Antony is when I'm finished with him".

I turned to Katy and she had a look of determination in her eyes, when a few years ago would have been full of fear.

"I am definitely going to regret this" Hunter groaned.

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