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David POV

I walked casually past the hundreds of cells with moaning people. It had been years since we moaned at the pain, it just wasn't worth it. Wasn't worth giving them the satisfaction of hearing what was in our heads.
We turned a corner to a sudden white corridor which I wouldn't believe ended.
I was deep in thought when we came to a sudden stop, so sudden I dumped into him.
"Watch it, Man" said the cell man.
"Sorry" I spoke shaking it up.
He turned and opened a steel door, well it looked like steel until I touched it to open the door and my hand hissed and scorched my hand.
I flapped my hand in the wind to stop the pain but it just seemed to fizzle out. 
He just laughed and held the door open as I walked it.

"David how lovely it is for you to join us" said Antony sitting in his same red leather chair with a cigar and glass of whiskey in his hand.

I turned and saw what I least expected to see.

Alice was sitting in a chair and handcuffed to the chair. Her blonde hair was plastered to her face with tears and sweat. Her mouth was gagged and stained with blood and her sobs increased.

"I believe you know each other" Antony said pointing at Alice "and I've been looking forward to this all day".

"What are you doing?" I said standing towards Antony.

"David, please" she sobbed. Her pathetic blue eyes stared at me, through her array of tears.

"Give me one good reason why I should even consider helping you" I said bending over in her face.

I knew in that moment she wasn't crying because Antony had tied her up she was crying because she couldn't run from this. Couldn't run from a endless questions or get away from this any more. 

I reached out and undid the Cotten strip around her mouth and she gasped and her lip quivered.

"I don't blame you for hating me" she said as I turned away rubbing my tiredness on my eyes.

"I don't hate you, Alice" I said groaning. How could she still not get the concept of the situation? "I'm upset that you went to every other person in the world except for me!" I said.

"But I doesn't matter" I spoke after seeing her shudder "I know you have gone through a lot but didn't I matter to you? Why didn't you come to me? I would have helped you" I shouted.

There was silence as I paced.

"Not that I want to spoil this romantic reunion" said Antony "but let's get to the point." At let someone was even if it was Antony.

He placed a syringe on the floor and kicked it towards me. It rolled and bounced and I watched the blue liquid slosh in it's glass container.

"Inject it" he said simply as if it was the easiest thing in the world. But I knew what it was, it was the serum that Katy told me about. It would turn us into warriors to destroy the Luxen. I kicked it back.

"You must be joking" I spat with disgust in his direction.

"Quite the opposite" he continued "you inject that or I will shot her and if I'm in a good mood I might even go for Katy as well".

I flinched and clenched my jaw and fists with anger as I felt my power roaring inside me and begging to be realised. How dare he threaten Katy. But then realisation hit me.
I smiled.

"You wouldn't hurt Katy" I said walking up to him until our noses were nearly touching "you can't. Katy and I are the only hybrids strong enough the endure the serums capacity. You kill Katy you might as well say goodbye to your precious plan."

Antony huffed with frustration and I walked backwards smiling. Alice search my eyes for answers and I reached out to undue her chains.

I heard it before I could take action.

I heard the bullet leave the gun and the air hiss as it parted a killer path. All I got to see was the bullet burrow it's way into Alice's forehead. Blood spattered over my face as her head snapped back. Her once beautiful face was now covered in dripping blood from this gaping hole in her forehead.
I screamed and roared as the colour disappeared from her face to a ghostly grey.

"I did warn you" he said calmly reloading his pistol.  

Two men appeared out of nowhere and held me back as I through myself at Antony. I roared with pure hatred until my throat was raw but I didn't give up. I kicked the two men but I ran out of energy quickly and sunk to the floor sobbing.

"It was a Electromagnetic bullet" he said circling me while I cried and yelled "fatal for Luxen's. Maybe I should have mentioned that but hey-hoo it's done now".

I leaped up and threw him up against the wall by his neck. He choked and coughed as I tightened my grip on his thin neck.

"I'm going to make you pay for every life you have taken you bastard" I growled.

For the first time I saw fear in his eyes and I grinned but he only felt a tiny bit of what I felt in this movement.

"What about Katy?" He managed to mutter. The smiled was swiped off my face as I knew he still had leverage over me and this would hurt more that Alice. And he knew it.

I stepped back letting him fall to the ground and breathe.

"Go on David" he said "inject it. You will be saving her. I won't let anything happen to her I promise".

I chuckled through my tears as I turned to see Alice's beautiful blue eyes clouded with a pail cloud and I walked over and gently closed her eyes.
Antony was many things but he wasn't a liar. I wouldn't let this happen to Katy. Determination swept over me as I....

I bent down.

I picked up the syringe.

I breathed.

And I injected the serum.

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