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After hours of senseless torture and agony I was thrown into a cell in a basement of some sort. The floor was concrete but the walls were made of limestone bricks and iron fencing. It felt like a Medieval prison from Game of Thrones as there was a pile of chains in the corner.
I was thrown the the ice concrete floor, and I felt my bones crunch and collide with the solid floor. I groaned but my body still shook from the electricity which was still in my body. Sweat still coated my body and I flattened my hands on the floor as I saw sweat droplets fall to the floor like rain.
My thin clothing stuck to my body and I only now got to inspect my body. I saw the scars but most of all I saw the greyish tinge of my skin. I saw bones appear through my almost transparent skin.
I was extremely malnourished. But I couldn't think of this as I skidded to the corner and huddled into a ball. I let my grey eyes oversee everything through the darkness of the shadows. I let a tear fall down my cheek as I imagined Daemon distort.
I remembered Dee mentioning how close Daemon was to losing sanity and I felt a river of tears flow down my face but I wouldn't allow myself to whimper. I wouldn't let Antony have the satisfaction of watching me break.
I shuddered as I let out my emotion in silence.
I pictured Daemon screaming, roaring, and tearing himself apart over something that wasn't his fault.
That tore me apart even more, even though it was my fault..

It struck me. This was all my fault. I was causing all this pain!
I had the nerve to cry to myself, to feel sorry for myself!
I was a sick human being. I stood up and stormed over the the bars of my cell.
The bars which were keeping me from Daemon, and these were bars I was going to have to break.
I wrapped my fingers around the rusty bars and left the metal shards of rust sink into my hands.
I shook the bars. I unleashed the power with in me and I felt the bars melt like butter in the microwave.
But suddenly a compartment in the ceiling opened and my eyes widened as I saw the spray unleash his acidosis potion.
I knew what it was even before it made contact with my skin but my eyes seemed unwilling to shut.

A sizzling and hissing sound projected from my face as the intense heat burned along my face. I felt my skin bubble and sizzle like sausages in a pan and I screamed and yelled in agony and my eye began to swell. I felt the onyx eat deeper and deeper into my flesh and my blood dried with the contact of the onyx.

I scratched my face with my fingernails with the hope that it would stop the burning agony that came with the onyx. But it just made red scratch marks on my face, and feel to my knees and put my hands along the ground to any sign of water to wash the poison away.

Sudden joy hit me as I felt a puddle of touch my finger tips. I threw my face into the shallow puddle, I felt a full ache spread across my nose but I didn't fuss about it.

When I regained my composer and my breath I leaned back and saw my grip in the bars and the steam flowing off it as the molten iron ran down the bars.

There was no getting out. I slammed my fist to the ground as I growled in an animalistic manner. I groaned and rubbed my soar fist with my other hand.

"You have courage I will give you that" said a voice with made me jump out of my skin. I jumped and smashed my head on a lose brick in the wall.

"Ouch!" I said rubbing my head.
I turned to see a face in a small gap where I could only observe his eyes.

I saw two blue glowing eyes, through the gap where I saw a few locks of sandy blonde hair.
His eyes smiled at me through the gap and his chuckle just ruined the moment.

"So you're that famous Katy" he said taunting me "I have to tell you that your husband is a stubborn bastard. Knocking on our door at 5 in the morning to take to Alice about forming some secret society." His distinct British accent was a shock as I had never met someone from the United Kingdom but I had heard that they were easy on the eyes. 😏😏

"What are you talking about?" I said continuing to massage my head "Why would Daemon travel that far to talk to you about something that he never even mentioned to me?"

"Maybe he was trying to protect you..." He said "anyway I'm David Warburton I believe we are going to need to get to know each other so we can find out what the FUCK is going on!!!"

I didn't flinch. I may have before everything but know it didn't bother me as if it was normal.

"How long to they expect us to just sit here?" I muttered.

"As long as it takes" he said resting his chin on the stone which gave me a view of his split white lips which would have been beautiful once but know they were nothing more than features on his face.

"What do you think they are going to do to us?" He questioned looking at me.

"They're going to break us down until there is no fight in us and feed us to the dogs, and I would know I saw it a Liam Neeson film" I said sarcastically sinister.

He laughed "I love Liam Neeson especially when he does those big speeches 'I will find you.... And I will KILL YOU!' " he mimicked in a dramatic voice which made my skin tingle.

"Daemon loved those films" I said "and those stupid ghost hunter shows".

"Yeah" he said with a sense of reflection in his voice "Alice loved the 'Most Haunted' programme and the ghost horror films".

"What is it with the Luxen and ghosts?" I said jokingly but David answered with an answer I didn't expect.

"Maybe it's the closest thing they have to believing in something" he said "I mean think about it, the Luxen have always been so certain of there rots and their past that they don't have to believe in anything. That is what makes the human race so beautiful and so deadly..."

He paused

"Sometimes you need the uncertainty in your heart so that your brain can believe in something unbelievable."

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