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Daemon POV

The funeral felt unnatural. We were bearing an empty box and putting it in the grow for some archaeologists to dig up in hundred years time and rip open. I still didn't believe that Katy was dead.

Dee said that the funeral was for closure. But it was worse than finding her or what was left of her.

The police had been involved, but our frenemies in the DOD sorted them out. But everyone seemed to suspect me. To be breathing down my neck.

Dena was constantly following me and I have never wanted to poke my eyes out with a compass so much in my life.

The only escape. The only savour was the new love of my life.
• Gin
• Vodka
• Whiskey....
Well anything with alcohol in it.

This wasn't some pathetic attempt to gain attention it was a way to attempt to stop thinking how this was all my fault.

I thought of Katy every moment of every day, I thought of her thick dark hair and her big round eyes. Her generous body but most of all her heart.

I loved her.

I didn't need any speech at a funeral or a marriage certificate to prove it. I would sit in our bedroom surrounded in empty beer cans and bottle twirling my wedding ring on my finger.
I smiled and kissed it.
I would never forget her and I would never forgive myself. I would scratch my bitten fingernails through my grown beard.
Without Katy there was no point in trying, no matter how much bull Dee tells me about Katy wanting to be happy. I could never be happy without her.

I might not want to admit it but I was having a mental break down.
I would shiver and scream from my nightmares so I just didn't sleep.

I hate myself. I see Dee's heart break every time she bring me paracetamol each morning just for me to get drunk later.
I'm not going to lie and say I haven't tried to join Katy, but the only think which has held me back. The only thing that has stopped me from slitting my wrists or overdosing (not as if that would work I'm a Luxen for Christ sake) was my gut instinct that Katy was alive.
That her pulse was still beating and she was fighting to join me again.
Plus, there is camera footage of the douche carrying her out and she seems to be alive.
But that would mean that she was pain. A pain which I couldn't heal, a pain which I saw in Beth's eyes everyday.

The Savage Theft of her Humanity.

Katy POV.

I sat with my hands chained to the walls, my dignity had disintegrated as they tore my clothes from my body and made me kneel.
I felt the heat of the fire warm my back and my sweat tingled as I felt the what was about to happen.

All I could do was pull against to chains to try and distract myself from what was about the happen.

I felt the pressure of the red hot poker burrow into my back, my skin peeled like paper as it sunk and sizzled into my skin. He dragged the poker along my back pulling and tearing my skin from side to side.

"Why don't you do it yourself!" I yelled at Antony who was sitting in a leather chair drinking a glass of scotch watching me suffer.

"And get my hands messy I don't think so" he chuckled with a devils tone "I have everyone where I need them, you right here and David is smitten for you".

I glanced up in shock, David doesn't have a thing for me. He is with Alice. This doesn't make sense. My mind is spinning uncontrollably as my thoughts carry me from reality.

"What you didn't know?" He laughed like a Hyena with his head back and laughed historically before he smashed his feet on the floor and bending forward and staring at me.

But the scary thing was he was complete blank, as if I hadn't spoken and his killer eyes stared me down.

"How unobservant of you" he said with a voice of an experienced criminal.

"I have been a little preoccupied" I spoke while breathing forcefully to distract myself from the pain burrowing and burning in my back.

"Well" he started as if to start a monologue and I huffed in frustration "Mr Warburton, is a famous fella. School dropout becomes world famous Rugby player. For some unknown team but I bet he will be a bit disappointed you didn't recognise his name. But his wife, Alice has an affair with his assistant, coach, brother and sister."

I had only known David about six months and I didn't expect his life story but I thought he would reveal the essentials. Why did he always talk about Alice as if she was still in his life?

"But he stuck with her" he said shaking his head "poor bastard, it took her three days for the bitch to find a new guy. I did him a favour. Katy you must understand that the Luxen are assholes. If you want to accept it or not so is your happy little family, they dragged you from your family, made you a fugitive and a murder.
Trust me I am doing you both a favour". 

"You can't make those decisions for people" I spat "it's not your place!"

"Well at the moment" he said "I'm winning and Daemons swimming in Alcohol and vomit and he doesn't seem to be missing you at all. So if I were you I would get comfortable because he isn't in a hurry to get you back"
My heart filled with disbelief and hatred for Antony thinking he could say those things. Daemon never dealt with things very well.
But the question still remained did Daemon really want me back?

Was Antony right? 

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