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Katy POV.

A car was waiting for me outside, I put on the clothes that were on the chest of draws and brushed my shoulder blade length hair and put on a layer of blood red lip stick, on my dry but surprisingly plump lips, and sharpened my cheekbones with some bronzer and added blush to stop myself from looking like I just got release from intensive care.

I got in the car, I sat on the black leather seats and opened a crisp envelope which was closed by a red wax seal.

Dear Katy,
I hope you have settled into your new mind set, as there is still work to be done.
As your transition was successful, I decided to inject the rest of the hybrids. You are now a part of Admetus, which is a task force I have created to deal with the rather 'messy' situations I find myself in.
Yours sincerely

I folded up the letter and instinctively placed it in my pocket, I felt as if my head was going to explode but my actual body seemed to be perfectly fine.

The car journey was short but I took every second analysing the area.
We were in the city, it seemed to be about 1 o'clock, from the position of the sun. I expected my eyes to sting but I felt a vain hunger to have the sunlight on my face.

My eyes feel upon a tall tower, a memory seemed to ripple in my mind as my eyes travelled up the tower.

We were in New York.

I remembered a woman telling me about this place, wait this wasn't just any woman. This was my mum.

How could I forget her.

I rubbed my eyes forgetting about the makeup on my face, I saw the black and brown grease cake my hand.

"Jesus" I said groaning as I tried to tidy up my mascara.

"Do you want a napkin?" Said a booming deep voice at the front of the car.
I didn't flinch, but I should have. Why hasn't I flinched and I felt like my head was in a vice being pulled tighter and tighter.

"Yes" I said pulling the napkin from his hand, I spoke the words "thank you" as if a vampire was saying the Lord's Prayer.

I stared at the back of his head, his shiny bald head. My eyes were caught as he adjusted his position, there was a piece of black plastic under his crisp collar.
Realisation kicked in, he wasn't working for Antony. I had gotten in the wrong car.

"You're a bit quiet" I said smirking.

"It isn't in my job description, to talk to Antony's interns" he spoke.

"No I wouldn't be" I said biting my nail "as you don't work for Antony do you" his eyes darted to mine in the mirror "do you really thing I am that stupid, not that I am complaining but I can't wait to see Antony's face when he realises that Bruce Lee has kidnapped his favourite student."

"I am not sure you really thought this through" I said pinching the bottom of my chin.

Daemon POV.

It had taken only a couple of hours for the new and improved DOD to replace Burnie with the driver. And I was told to sit in the corner like a child with a few crayons and a note paper to keep me occupied.

I was staring at a computer screen in a silent room full of people, the atmosphere was airy and haunting. Burnie was in the car with Katy. This was the first time I have seen her in years.

Her long thick brown hair was reduced to a blunt Bob which came down to her shoulder blades.

Her facial structures were hollow and sharp and her lips were thin. Her whole body had been starved and I had to curl my hands into fists to stop the force from erupting inside of me.

She looked rather fragile and I just hoped that she wouldn't blow it, but what I was focusing on was that she was alive. And she was breathing.

"I am not kidnapping you" Burnie said while keeping his cool which was admirable "I just need to keep you away from Antony for a while, I am sure he won't miss you too much".

"Don't you worry" Katy spoke with a very ironically alien voice "I am not to cause any trouble."

I saw a flicker. I sat up and watched her. I smiled, as I saw her blue eyes crack. She was fighting it.
A proper grin, broke through my face.
The computer geeks stared at me, but I started chuckling and I laughed a psychotic laugh.
I turned and jumped into a strangers arms who was just as surprised as I was, "She is fighting" I yelled in his face.

"The serum" she spoke. It was finally her voice but her head was in her hands.

"What?" Burnie asked confused as he drove through the streets.

"Just let me say this before I scream" she said, and I wanted to chuckle but what followed terrified me. "The serum, it alters your DNA to possess Luxen and Arum powers."

I stopped dead. I felt my non existent pulse stop, as the news crashed into me.

"Antony has been injecting hybrids" she spoke as if she was out of breath "he is creating something, he is killing people. He is planning something which will cause mass destruction, much bigger than Los Angeles."

How could it be bigger that Los Angeles? That was what happened to Katy, she was given the serum.

"I have seen what the serum has done to people" she said, I remembered the man who attacked her "people who I promised to save, to I promised to help".

"You need to take me back" she raised her head.

"What?" Burnie said.

"You need to take me back" she said calmly "I need to save the people I left, and I need to stop Antony."

Rage over came me, why did she have to do that. This might have been her only chance. I threw my fist into the computer which went flying, and the crowd jumped back.

I doubted the DOD would have put up with this never mind this new department.

I felt heat radiate off me, I stormed out of the room in a mighty temper. I wasn't going to lose her again, and I was going to run to her and hold on to her. And never let go again.

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