Running from Shadows

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(Due to some messages I received about an unsatisfactory ending, I have decided to carry on, as sort of a part 2. Sorry to have disappointed anyone 😥)

I gripped the wheel.

My knuckles had turned white both from cold and fear.

What would I do? What would I do without them all? I stared through the ice covered wind shield, and wondering whether I was at the end of a street or about the fall off a cliff.
Either way it didn't matter.
I had been driving for hours and it was dark, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere even if I wanted to.
I had been sat here just pondering on what to do for about 40 minutes, and I had to turn the engine off to save fuel and not kill the battery. I could already feel my body shivering with the cold.

It felt like the cold was seeping through my chest to my heart, and everything seemed to feel numb.
It felt like this was a bad dream, and I was going to wake up against Daemon's chest and be back in the warmth of our  bedroom, in crisp sheets.

But no. I was going to sleep in this car with the thickest jacket I could grab as I was leaving the house. I'm pretty sure it was Daemon's but it's length made it look like Archers. But I was happy in it. It covered my shoulders and my legs so I curled up in the back seat and just dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to a police officer tapping on the window. It was bright and the sky was clear, barely a cloud in the sky, the figure had cast a shadow over my face.
I squinted at the glare. I quickly got up and rubbed my eye, and opened the door.
"Miss" he said calmly, "aren't you aware, that you can't park on the side of the main road and take a nap whenever you feel like it".

I stood outside the car and tried my best to smooth down my hair and my clothes.
"I'm sorry" I grumbled as my throat was dry "I didn't know where else to go. It was dark. I was tired."

"Well, now you're conscious" he muttered sarcastically "will you move your motor vehicle, mam".

I didn't even dignify his question with a response, and I got back into the car and just sat there.

Where was I gonna go?

Who would have me?

Any individual who wasn't human would brake my cover immediately, and I would have to move again.

As I started the engine, the radio bleared and I couldn't  help but quince as the sports commentary filled my ears. I looked in my back mirror and saw the police officer getting in his car, I couldn't help but imagine reversing and smashing up his car and smirked at the thought of getting back at the dick.

As I returned to my senses, I started to listen to the radio, it seemed to be Rugby. I remembered the endless stories which David had muttered in the dark jail cell.

Daemon POV.

My arms and legs were numb. I couldn't move. My vision was still fuzzy, all I could do was groan slightly which resulted in the others around me groaning with an earthy growl.
It took only a matter of seconds, as if the source of our pain was getting further and further away, as the numb tingle got further and further away. I didn't remember much of what happened during the fiery burning which went through my body.
I managed to turn my head as my vision clears and slowly brought myself up to a seating position but even doing that sent sparks up my stomach and I winced.

"Dee?" I said through the winced "you alright?"

"Yeah" she groaned using the couch to pull herself up "what the hell happened?" Sweat covered her body in a thin sheen which glistened. I looked around doing a mental count, but one person wasn't there. The most important person.

"Veronica!" I yelled and I turned to the doorway and dragged my self to the doorway and I growled and painted as sweat droplets fell from my forehead, I could feel my skin burning from the friction on my knees. "Where is Katy? What the fuck have you done with my girl?"
I turned and saw Veronica sitting in a lounge area but it had no sense of home or safety it was just furniture in hollow room.

"I'm sorry, Daemon" she said as she was gathering files and papers in her arms "she has gone-"

"She what?" I yelled I managed to stand with the support of a white plastic chair.

"-after I explained to her the danger she posed to you and your family, she understood she has to leave. Her literal being was killing you all and she was powerless to stop it! Don't you understand? I have saved you all!" She really thought she was doing up a favour. All I wanted to do was rip out her intestines and strangle her with them but my arms and legs were still trembling just keeping me up straight.

"Don't worry Daemon" Veronica said calmly and clearly "if anyone comes with in two feet of her they will burn to a crisp and if she is gonna do what I think she is doing then Antony isn't going to stand a chance. And I want a front row seat." She smirked and all I could do was sink to the floor as Katy was getting further and further out of my reach.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed the first section of the sequel to Now and Forever. Due to the stressful education system in the UK, I am currently completing my A levels! Yay! So I may be slow in uploading sections of this new edition. But I am determined to try and be more regular.

I am more than open to any suggestions, whether it is plot or particular sections, please feel free to comment and I will answer you all as well as I can.

Thanks guys ❤️
Georgia xx

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