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After the horrendous abuse inflicted on my back I was thrown into a cell but the cell was the same. It didn't have the scratches I made with cuffs on the floor, it was unfamiliar and uncomfortable. The floor was cool but it smelt musky as if someone had been sitting on it. I crawled to the corner with a long t-shirt which was down to my knees and slipped it on. I felt the cotton catch of the pieces of blood soaked skin and my groaned as the material settle.
I sat back and looked at my grey bruised legs and rubbed them in hope to get rid of the smudge. But all I felt was bone under my thin malnourished legs. I covered my knees with my hands and refused to look at their ugly figure.
I was never confident by now my self confidence had plunged to a level where I knew I wouldn't be able to raise above it.

My felt my t-shirt dampen with my thick dark red blood as I rubbed my legs. I rubbed and rubbed and scratched and smacked and thumped until my legs were bright red and pulsing again. The purple pinkish discolouration was the only colour I observed. I couldn't count the puddles of blood anymore.
It wasn't a part of me anymore and it would turn dark like everything else in my life.
But at least my bruises would leave, will not for a while.
My legs seemed like matchsticks and I constantly felt hungry but hunger was a constant reminder of something else I would have to wait for.
I saw the blood slowly flow out of my legs and the familiar feeling of being numb.
I was emotionless and I let the blood keep flowing out of my back, and I didn't want to stop the blood. I want to die. I have had enough of feeling sad and unworthy and Daemon could survive with Dee and Dawson.

I have had enough of being the strong one. I have had enough of being shut of from the world. I have had enough of being kidnapped, shot and stabbed. But I have not had enough of Loving someone so much that I am willing to put up with this shit. I am willing to put up with it so for one day that I can spend one moment, one measly moment with Daemon Black.

My thoughts were interrupted with some stirring in the corner. I felt flustered and threatened at the sudden movement among the shadows.

"What have they done to you?" David said before loving into the light and bending down beside me.
I push him away and I get up and limp to the other side of the cell.

"Why didn't you tell me about Alice?" I said immediately and David's reaction showed utter shock.
This was also the first time I had seen the whole of David. He had a very handsome face and blonde hair and a VERY nice body but my flaunting was interrupted by his gasped of the blood dripping down my legs.

"Katy your hurt" he shouted.

"No shit Sherlock" I said turning "now back to Alice. Why didn't you tell me what she did to you?"

"It didn't seem to be on the top of the list of things that I would tell a person" he did have a point. I wouldn't be telling everyone about Blake and... My Mum every two minutes.
"Plus I honestly don't think it is any of you business and why Antony used it against you I don't know. It doesn't make any sense."

"I know" I said apologetically "sorry I asked".  I started to wonder then, Why did I want to know? It was none of my business. I have spent so long contemplating on question after question after question. And finding fact out about people when it's too late, I just finally had the chance to be ahead for once in my life. Not be trailing behind with old news or being shielded from the truth but being it with the hard honest truth was just what I needed.

"Don't worry about it" he paused "now let's get a look at your injuries".

I turned and had my back to him for him to do what he needed to do.
"You know" he began trying to fill the silence "I trained to be a surgeon I was ready to start the course when I got accepted to play for my country as a rugby player.
I continued to clean out my wounds with some scraps of cotton dipped in a clear liquid which was kicked through the bars of the cell.

"Wow" I said quiet impressed "so you played for England?" I got that impression from his polite exterior and British accent but there was a hint of something in his voice which was dangerous. And immediately giving into the stereotype which I am not proud of.

He suddenly got a lot firmer and aggressive with his actions and began tugging my soar wounds which made me scream.
"Just because I'm from the UK doesn't mean I'm from England" he muttered and I smiled as I got a sense of their strong rivalry and I couldn't hold back a chuckle as he continued "why do all Americans think that? I'm not English.
I am Welsh, from the land of deep valleys and notorious mountains and sheep and Welsh cakes. God I could devour a Welsh cake now."

"Well you can't be that good" I teased "I have never heard of you".

"Well you wouldn't have would you" he said quite naturally "you wouldn't know what good taste was if it smacked you in the mouth".

I laughed at his come back "well played Warburton, Warburton well played".

I sat in silence as he continued to clean out my wounds and I didn't really mind the silence it was peaceful and if my back wasn't on fire with pain I might have actually enjoyed just sitting there.

"So" he began "what do you think he is going to do with us? I mean I know he wants to try out some experiments on us but what are we supposed to do until then?"

"I think" I said while looking at my dirty bitten nails "he is trying to break us down. He is going to try and use every source at his disposal to use against us or just to torture us. But at the same time he is going to use Daemons actions to take down Antony against us. And I have no idea how they are supposed to connect".

"Maybe they aren't meant to connect maybe they are just meant to distract us from the real problem" David said while pacing and scratching his brassily chin.

He stopped and he turned to me with a glimmer in his eyes "what if the whole system, the plan is just an idea. He as kept us here for about 8 months and he hasn't so much as mentioned the serum to us. Maybe, he is creating an idea which doesn't exist to distract us from the real idea. The real plan which will destroy us all." 

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