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Being kept trapped in the wretched cage was worthy of my wrath. Rage built up in me like a tidal wave as my eyes stared daggers at the two people who were stood in front of me.
It all started when I was woken up my the squeak of the cell door. Two men immediately came towards me and clamped cuffs around my wrists. But as soon as they dropped the cuffs on my skin I felt the boil and sizzling pain of onyx cuff.
I didn't yell because I dropped to the floor and concentrated of balancing the cuffs on the concrete so the onyx was no longer in contact with my skin.

Aiden Jones and Paddy Michael stood there laughing.

"I thought you would put up more of a fight" said Paddy strolling towards me, he killed my stomach as and I rolled over in pain and brought my wrists to my chest and I didn't care about the pain. All I called about was finding out what they had to do with all of this mess.

"Your funeral was yesterday" he muttered "Daemon did an amazing speech I have to say even I shed a few tears but that would be telling. It only took Dena fifteen minutes to be all over Daemon."

Anger boiled in me like a bubbling molten furniss as he kept taunting me.

"I was surprised" he continued "that you didn't notice Dena's undying crush on Daemon but I don't think that Daemon did either."

He circled me as if I was prey and he was playing with me, toying with me before he strikes.

"He is going to kick himself when he finds out you're still alive" Aiden said joining in on the party "as he has been wasting all this time sleeping with girl after girl and drinking bottle after bottle of spirits. When you are being punished after every reckless decision he makes".

"But unfortunately for you" Paddy said "he just made a BIG mistake".

Aiden stormed over to me and dragged me by my hair and I felt every hair yet yanked out of my skull. I grunted as he pulled me up so fast he took out a chunk of my hair.

They kicked a chair in to the back of my legs which seemed to appear out of know where. I moaned as the wood collided with with the soar cuts on my legs.

They yanked and twisted my arms behind me back and my arms were jolted as cold metal cuffs dug into my wrists.

"Wow handcuff" I said to Paddy "it's been along time since you gave me handcuffs, but weren't they pink and fluffy and you were wearing them".

I reawakened by a harsh slap with the back of his hand and my hair stuck to sweat on my face.

"Don't try and be funny" Paddy said.

I turned and smiled at him through my sweaty hair and laughed.

"You still don't get it" I said through my laughter "you can't break me, I am already broken. Don't you understand the second you took me away and tore me away from Daemon you shattered me. So do what you want! I don't care! Just end my misery. Please."

"We have talked to Antony" Aiden strolled around me "and he thought it was best for you to be treated with the respect you deserve". He was behind me and he started to thread his fingers through my hair.
I bared my teeth and growled and shock my head but he grabbed my hair and shook it from side to side.

When he stopped I froze as I heard two snapping of scissors through my hair. I knew what he was doing and it was my worst nightmare. It wasn't just a crappy haircut he was cutting away a feature which defined me. My hair is what Daemon first touched when he met me. My hair was being ripped away from me like a child from it's mother.
I promised myself I would never cry against but I allowed one last tear to escape before freezing and not moving.

When he had finished I felt the thick uneven chunks of hair settle on my head. It was brutal as my hair fell from my shoulders to my feet, having to watch a peace of me being yanked away from you and being powerless to stop it.

When they were done they hadn't even bothered to clean away the limp and lifeless hair from the ground. They simply kicked me off the chair and walked out. I sat for awhile and picked up my hair but threw it away. I couldn't let him win.
And it took even longer for me to be strong enough to be able to touch my remaining hair. As a breeze came from the cell my scalp felt cold and this unfamiliar feeling felt unpleasant and unnatural.

"Are you ok?" David said a voice which I appreciated during this moment.

"Yeah" I said standing up "I needed a haircut anyway" I tried to brush it off but I scrunched my face up to try and hide the tears which were floating in my eyes.

"Don't do that" he said putting his arm through the small window "don't hide your emotions, it's ok to cry sometimes. It shows your passion and hiding it will only make you worse". He whipped my tears with my thump but I pushed away.

I felt suddenly angry at his display of affection, only Daemon could touch me like that but what scared me the most was that I had a dim flutter in the pit of my stomach.
It scared me.
No one had ever given me that feeling accept Daemon, and I trusted that feeling.
It was just shock.
Was it?
I paced thinking of my options. But no amount of analysing would ignore the fact that I was losing Daemon.
Day by day, I lost the flicker I had in my heart when I thought of him.
Day by day, I lost the thump in my chest when I pictured those bright green eyes.
Day by day, I was losing Daemon and that scared the hell out of me.

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