Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
First off I want to say thank you for reading! Vote and comment,because I always want to know your opinions. Feel free to message me whenever you want. Enjoy!

Chapter 1
When I was younger, I often had nightmares about the Ark getting thrown out of orbit. It was scary to think that a human invention was keeping us suspended in the air, because, if there's one thing I know about human nature, it's that we always make mistakes. This hunk of metal is the only thing, to this day, keeping me and thousands of others from crashing right back onto the radioactive planet we once called our home; Earth.

Now, Earth is the only thing giving me hope. Every night I dream of it, imagining different scenarios- running my hands over the bark of an evergreen tree, diving into a crystal clear lake, scaling a mountain, or running barefoot across a field. I carve these images into the stone walls that surround me, wishing that somehow they will come to life and I will be able to jump through one of them into a different reality. I often find myself thinking that maybe things would be different on Earth than they are on the Ark. Maybe, down there, people wouldn't get floated for doing what they think is right. Maybe I wouldn't be getting floated.

But the sad reality of things is that I will never be able to see Earth, at least not before my skin bubbles and I burn to a crisp. I live in space, and in space people float for their crimes, and I have to deal with it. Well, unless you're under 18. If you're young, you get imprisoned in the Skybox - where I am now - and wait for your crimes to be reviewed again on your 18th birthday. The review is for the council to decide whether or not your crimes deserve to be punished by death. More often than not, they deserve it.

You know, I never thought I'd be locked up. I am Marcus Kane's daughter after all, one of the most prestigious councilmen. But then again, I guess being his daughter is a risk in itself, since he's so devoted to the law. Most parents would probably try to help their children and hide their crimes, but not him. Anyways, besides my family ties, I was also pretty helpful to the community. I would spend my time going from station to station, which I was able to do because of my father, and I would help different people do different jobs. My two favorite places were 1) Ark Station Medical, where I helped my friend Clarke and her mother Abby perform surgeries and such, and 2) Agro station where I cooked and raised crops with my best friend Jasper. All stations seemed to welcome me with open arms. My grandmother always said to me "You have a friendly air about you, my dear. You will be loved by many, but may you always remember to stay true to yourself" which I think was her sweet and loving way of saying "You're nice and people like you, but don't become an egotistical Son of a Bitch."

However, being stuck in solitary isn't all that bad. I have time to reflect on old memories like that, plus it's a chance to get away from the drama, the noise, and the expectations- the expectations of being a councilman's daughter. In here, you really get some perspective. I'm not Kane's daughter, I'm just another person locked up for a crime, like anyone else in Skybox. I constantly try to convince myself that this can be a good thing, that because my dad is a councilman maybe, just maybe, instead of getting floated on my eighteenth birthday, I'll get released.

But then I think of Jake Griffin. He was a great man, almost like a second father to me, and not only was he Dr. Griffin's husband, but he was Jaha's best friend- and he still got floated.

Who am I compared to Jake Griffin?

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