Chapter 30

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"All right, Murphy. Where to now?" Bellamy asks him. We're all exhausted from walking through the night on red-alert.

"What say we lose these first, huh?" Murphy asks, holding up his bound hands.

"No. Again." Bellamy says.

"If we get attacked out here, I have nothing to defend myself with."

"I don't care."

Finn turns with a knife and cuts Murphy's bonds with a sharp movement.

"Thank you." Murphy says, rubbing his wrists.

"Hey. What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asks Finn, hurrying to catch up with him.

"It was your idea to bring him." Finn retorts.

"Yeah, because he's the only one who's seen where the Grounders keep their prisoners."

"Then we probably shouldn't let him be defenseless out here. We can handle Murphy."

"Better hope so." Bellamy mutters, and I look at Murphy warily.

"So, do I get a gun now?" Murphy asks me.

"No, but I can give you a bullet." I say, raising my gun slightly. He keeps walking.

"I have a bad feeling." Bellamy says to me, and somehow everything improves, even though all my muscles are knotted and tired and most of my friends are missing.

"About what? The fact that we're following Murphy or the fact that we're heading into the heart of Grounder territory." I say.

"Both." He answers.

We keep walking for a while, silently. Murphy's face is getting graver.

"Everybody down. Down." He hisses suddenly, and we hit the dirt. I can see the twisting wood structure in front of us. Three or four Grounders are milling around.

"This is it. Told you I'd find it." Murphy says.

"I see nothing but Grounders. Our people aren't here." Bellamy says, peering through the scope of his gun. I do the same, scanning over the complex.

"Bellamy's right." I say, disappointment gnawing at my chest.

"Wait a minute. They've got stuff from our dropship." Finn says, peering through his own gun.

"So, maybe they know where our friends are." Bellamy says.

"Or maybe they killed them already." Murphy mutters.

"Son of a bitch." Finn hisses.

"What do you see?" I ask him.

"The guy with the one eye. Around his neck." Finn practically spits, and I look at the man he's talking about. My blood runs cold.

"What am I looking at?" Bellamy asked.

"The watch." I say, my voice shaking. "It's Clarke's watch. It was her father's."

"She wouldn't give that up without a fight." Bellamy says with sudden realization.

"Neither will we." Finn says coldly.

"Okay. You're with me." Bellamy says to Finn and me. "You two, stay here, out of sight. This thing goes south, take out the other Grounders, but don't shoot the Grounder with the watch. Copy?"

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