Chapter 32

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I'm strapped down to a medical chair, leather straps around my wrists, thighs, ankles, neck, and a gag around my mouth. The walls are stone and light streams in from somewhere above me.

A man walks in, and I writhe towards him, ignoring the pain from my joints as they strain to break free.

The man smiles, his face pale, and my eyes land on a syringe in his hand, filled with red liquid. I cringe away from it, breathing hard as adrenaline and fear fill my body.

The sharp prick of a needle enters my neck, and almost immediately, I feel a strange calm come over my body. My eyes roll back into my head for a brief moment. Then, every muscle clenches in unbearable pain. I let out a scream through the gag as I shudder on the chair.

"Oh, don't you worry, little girl. It'll get easier." The man says as he leaves me alone, trembling with a scorching fire racing through my veins.

The feeling passes, but something's different. My brain's almost fuzzier. The pain brings back clarity. The drug brings back my mind.

When the man reenters the room, I crane my neck away from him every though my body craves the red liquid in his hands.

"I know you want it." The man says to me, tapping the glass. He sticks the needle into my neck and my body seizes up again. Suddenly, I hear a loud ringing, and I screw up my eyes against the noise.

"Now." The man says, and electricity courses through my body. I seize up and shake involuntarily, slipping in and out of blackness, wishing to die, wishing for anything to end this torture. All the while I hear that stupid ringing. I want it to stop, to end, and then I fall into unconsciousness.

"Sixteen seconds." The man says, looking at the girl's twitching body. "Not bad, not bad. Increase shock treatments to every two hours. When she fears the noise, we move onto Phase 2."

"Sir, it's too fast. We haven't had enough time to experiment on her." The doctor tells him.

"You know the girl escaped. She'll have told her people about us. We'll need this one to fight them off." The man says before closing the door.

Hours pass. I learn to fear the sound, become senseless, like a wild animal. My sanity is slipping away. I can't even remember my name. The man becomes my master, the noise my whip. I am nothing.

I see him now, with the sound following him, and I cringe away from it, expecting the electric rivers up my arms.

He says something but it sounds garbled. I don't understand. Then I lock eyes with a man, bigger than me and stronger.

The man shows me the red liquid, and I want it, certain it'll bring me relief at last from my aching bones.

He sets it down on the floor and I strain for it, nearly breaking my neck, cracking every joint. I want it. I want it more than any other person.

The sound rings through the air, and I flatten myself to the chair, trying to hide. I don't even notice my bonds being removed.

I tumble onto the cold floor, curling up, pressing my hands against my ears, inhuman grunts coming from my mouth.

Then it's gone, and all I can see is red.

The other man lunges for it, but I leap onto his back, pulling him away, my fingernails drawing blood in furrows down his skin. His hands grab my neck, but I want the red liquid. I'll do anything for it, anything. I knee him in the stomach and jump on top of him, digging my hands into his eyes. He screams, but red is all I see. I pick up his head as he lays dazed and then something happens. I want the red but something's stopping me. I can't...kill. Then I look at the vial and my hands slam the man's head into the ground so hard his skull cracks.

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