Chapter 10

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The next morning, I exit the dropship, fully intent on sleeping after my late night shift tending to Jasper. On the way to my tent, I spot a certain Blake out of the corner of my eye. Realizing he must be going hunting, I run after him, hoping that maybe I can distract him long enough for Clarke to do some miracle work on Jasper. "Bellamy!" I yell, struggling to catch up with the tall stowaway. Hearing his name, he stops and turns around.

"What do you want, Kane?" he asks bitterly.

I'm a bit surprised at his tone but continue anyways. "Are you going hunting?" Bellamy studies me for a moment, obviously confused as to why I'm even talking to him after yesterday's events.

Eventually, he responds. "Yeah..." he crosses his arms and continues, "Why?"

"I want to come with you." Bellamy just shakes his head and ignores me, walking over to his hunting party that's already waiting for him in front of the forest. Frustrated, I jog, keeping his pace. Distractedly, I complain. "Dammit Blake, why the hell are your legs so damn long?" He laughs at my comment but continues walking at the same pace. Sighing, I continue, "Okay. One, I wasn't asking for your permission. Two, we both know that I'm probably just as good a fighter as you, if not better."

Looking at me out of the corner of his eye, he asks "Oh, yeah? Who says?"

I laugh. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe the personal trainers my father enlisted to teach me to defend myself since I was 14."

He stops us a few feet away from the forest, looking at me with intrigue. "Alright, fine. But tell me one thing first. You don't like me and I don't like you. So, Robin Hood, why are you suddenly volunteering to come on an adventure with me?"

At bit hurt at his comment, I answer, "Well, firstly, I never said I didn't like you." He raises an eyebrow, and I continue, " I don't not like you, I just don't necessarily trust you."

He scoffs, "Isn't that the same thing?"

"Nope." I say.

Once again, he studies me, and for a second I think he's going to turn me away. Suddenly, he pulls out a knife and I jump, backing up slightly. He smirks and flips the knife around, handing it to me. I hesitantly take the knife and he begins walking, nodding for me to follow him. Before I do so, I look behind me and motion to a confused Finn who catches my gaze.

He comes over to me and, spotting Bellamy, asks, "What the hell are you doing with Blake?"

"I'm going hunting with him." Finn opens his mouth to say something, but I interrupt him, continuing, "I'm gonna try to keep him out there for as long as I can to give Clarke as much time as possible to help Jasper. Go to her and help her with whatever she needs, got it?" Finn nods and runs off towards the dropship. I turn around and see, to my surprise, Bellamy waiting for me by the forest, the rest of his party obviously annoyed. I join them, and that's when Bellamy signals for us to leave. At first everyone was a bit antsy about letting me on the team knowing who I am, but eventually we're all working together, surveying the outskirts of the camp. After about an hour, we come across a wild boar.

Bellamy puts his finger up to his lips. "Shh, shh, shh." he grasps his ax firmly in his hand, "She's mine."

He brings his ax back behind his shoulder, ready to throw it at the boar. However, the sound of crackling leaves - the obvious sound of a person coming up behind him - jars his concentration. He spins around and throws his ax without thinking. The ax hits a tree and startles the boar, but luckily I notice. Instinct causes me to throw my own knife and I'm surprised that it actually manage's to lodge itself in the boar's neck, making the boar collapse onto the grass. The rest of the hunting party instantly jumps at the chance to bag it and looks of affection from a few of the men don't go unnoticed. My skin crawls at the unwanted attention and I instead focuses on Bellamy who goes to pull his ax out of the tree. As he removes it, he notices the young girl hiding behind the tree. He approaches her, ax in hand, causing the girl to back away, obviously scared.

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