Chapter 22

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The entrie Camp is gathered around to the video screen that's connected to the Ark, watching as Chancellor Jaha gives his annual Unity Day speech. I sigh; I've never really been a big fan of this holiday. The whole council whipped up this stupid speech about how the stations joined together to become one just to give us something to be happy about. Now, I know that's not necessarily a bad thing, but every year they just happen to leave out the specific details of what actually happened- the war, the 13th station getting obliterated, the hundreds of deaths....It's funny to think that this is actually my father's favorite holiday. He's too much of a nationalist to admit that everything that got us to where we are today has been wrong and horrifying Unlike people who are celebrating, the only thing I want to do today is get drunk and forget everything that's been happening.
Unfortunately for me, Monty is completely out of his moonshine.

I make my way across the camp, looking for something to do or someone to talk to. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Finn and Clarke having an argument. I make my way over just as Clarke walks away, glancing angrily at Raven.

"What's going on with Clarke and Raven?" I ask Finn. "Well," Finn clears his throat, "Raven was my girlfriend back on the Ark and she just found Clarke and I... had a thing."

My eyes widen. "Woah, your life really sucks right now, doesn't it?" Finn rolls his eyes. "Haha, Aurelia. I could really use some advice" I sigh and sit down on a log, gesturing for him to join me, which he does. "Okay...well, before you figure out what to do with your two girlfriends, you need to figure out who means what to you. Do you love Raven, or do you love Clarke?" Finn sighs frustratedly, running his hand through his hair. "I...I don't know. I love both of them, just in different ways." "Well, that makes this easy then." I say, smiling. He looks at me like I'm insane. "What do you mean, 'that makes this easy' How is this easy?" "You just said that you love them in different ways. So, all you have to do is figure out which way you love each of them and then tell them your true feelings"

He scoffs, "Maybe it'd be easy for you" I smile, but the sadness in my eyes doesn't go unnoticed by Finn. "What's up with you? " Before I can answer, Jasper comes out of his and Monty's tent, shouting, "Wooo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! Call this batch Unity Juice Yeah!" Using this as an excuse to avoid Finn's question, I get up, grinning at him. "Well, if you want to take your mind off things, do what I'm going to do- get drunk!" I run towards Jasper with a bigger crowd, not waiting to see if Finn's following me. A little bit later, I'm walking around camp, a tad intoxicated. I spot Bellamy out of the corner of my eye and pick up a second glass of moonshine. I make my way over to him, grinning like an idiot. "Bellamy!" I yell, causing him to look down at me. "Here ya go" I hand him the glass of moonshine. He takes a sip and grimaces.

"I think I'm good." he says, attempting to hand the glass back to me. "Aw, come on, Bell! Why d'ya gotta be so serious all the time! Loosen up! Get drunk!" I laugh, refusing to take the cup back from him. Instead, I take another gulp of mine, coughing as the liquid burns my throat. He gives me a small smile. "You sure are having fun, aren't you?" "Hell yeah, I am!" I take another sip and gesture for him to do the same. "Your turn, guard boy!" He rolls his eyes, a smile on his face, and downs the entire glass. He coughs when he finishes, shuddering from the burn. "It sure does have a bite to it, doesn't it?" I say, laughing. From behind me, Jasper yells, "Ree Get your cute litde ass over here! Drinking game time, baby!" Grinning, I grab Bellamy's arm and pull him over with me.

"Why are you taking me?" he asks "I'm not the one who got invited." "Well, you can make sure I don't get too wasted." I say. He rolls his eyes as I address Jasper. "So, what's the game?" "You throw this," he says, holding up a coin of some sort, "into your opponent's cup. If it gets in, your opponent has to drink. Same for if the opponent gets it in your cup." "Sounds fun!" I say, taking the coin from him. He makes his way over to the opposite side and I throw it. I clap as it lands in one of the cups. "You've got game, Aurelia!" Monty shouts and I laugh as Jasper downs the cup. It's his turn to throw and he also throws the coin so it lands in one of my cups. I gulp down the whole thing, shaking my head to get rid of the burn I go to throw the coin again, but Bellamy stops me. "Sorry", he says to Jasper, "but l need to talk to Aurelia, alone." He grabs my arm and drags me into his tent

I giggle. "What are you-" I get cut off by Bellamy s lips crashing onto mine. Soon enough, his hands are all over my body and his lips trace a line down my jaw to my shoulder. He sucks on my neck and I let out an involuntary moan. I twist my hand in his shirt, pulling him as close to me as possible. We're no longer two people, but one body, intertwined with one another. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands slide up my back. He rips my hair out of its tie and it cascades to my waist in waves. He pulls away only for a second to take my jacket off, throwing it to the floor. Our lips reconnect as my hands find my way under his shirt, exploring his searing skin. I pull his shirt over his head and he quickly does the same to me. He pushes me down onto his sleeping bag, getting on top of me. He kisses his way down my stomach and his hands find the button of myjeans... "Aurelia!" I hear Clarke shouting, "Aurelia, where are you?" It's obvious by her footsteps that she's getting closer to the tent. "Shit!" I curse, pushing Bellamy off of me.

I toss him his shirt and quickly pick up my own. "Put it on!" I say, slipping mine over my head. I pick up my hair tie only to see that it's broken in half. So, I smooth down my hair as best I can just as Clarke enters the tent. "Hey..." she says, glancing between Bellamy and I, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything, but Finn really needs to talk to you." I nod, quickly making my way out of the tent. I look around for Finn only to see him all the way at the end of the camp. I jog over to him "Hey, Finn, what's up?" "Look, I set up a meeting with the Grounders and I want you and Clarke to come." he says, a sense of urgency in his Voice My eyes widen. "W what? How?" "You member that Grounder we capture" I nod. "I followed Octavia to his hideout and he agree to set up a meeting." take a deep hreath. "O-okay, I'll do it. I'm assuming you,Already told Clarke?"

He nods and,as if she could tell I said her name,she makes her way over to us "Ready to go?" Finn asks,Clarke and I nod and the three of us head towards the meeting place.

We run to a bridge where Octavia is waiting anxiously.

"So, that's how you set this up." Clarke says, and I'm surprised that Finn didn't already tell her. She stares at Octavia, a betrayed look in her eyes. "You set him free, didn't you?" "I trust him, Clarke." Octavia replies pointedly. "There's a lot of that going around." Clarke continue bitterness in her voice. "Calm down." I tell her and I smile at Octavia, letting her know I'm on her side. "Someone's coming." Finn says, and all of us follow his gaze to the opposite side of the bridge. The Grounder that Octavia set free comes jogging towards us and Octavia runs towards him, jumping into his arms in a passionate embrace.

"Woah." I say, slightly surprised. Finn grabs Clarke hand and I can't help but smile at him. The Grounder approaches us alongside Octavia and he addresses me. "My name is Lincoln. I want to thank you for trying to help me before." "It was the right thing to do." I say, ignoring the sour look Clarke gives me. A neighing breaks through the still air and, once again, all of us look at the other side of the bridge, Clarke, Finn, and I extremely surprised by what we see. "Oh, my god." Clarke breathes out, eyes widening. "Horses!" Two heavily armored Grounders ride horses on either side of a Grounder woman. I can't help but motice her dark clothes and makeup as well as her strangely proportioned face. Finn rushes forward, still holding Clarke's hand. "Hey, we said no weapons!" "I was told there wouldn't be." Lincoln admits. "It's too late now." Clarke says, and I brace myself, moving my foot around to make sure my knife is still in my boot.

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