Chapter 18

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"Clarke! Where's Clarke? Get Clarke!" Jasper yells as soon as the rest of the 100 let us back into camp.

Clarke rushes out of her tent. "Hey, I'm here. What's up?"

"Clarke...don't freak out." I say, moving backward into the camp. She takes one look at Finn whom Bellamy and I are carrying before letting out a gasp.

"Finn..." she breathes out, "Finn! Oh my god, Finn!"

"Oh, god..." Raven lets out a heartbroken whisper from behind Clarke.

The blonde goes to check Finn's pulse, but I stop her, Bellamy and I continuing to move towards the dropship. "He's alive, Clarke," I say, "but we need to hurry."

Jasper walks beside Clarke to the dropship. "Aurelia and Bellamy wouldn't let me take the knife out."

"No, that was a good call." Clarke assures him, "Put him on the table in the dropship! Now!"

Bellamy and I hurry inside, doing as she says. After a few moments, Clarke follows us into the dropship.

"So," I say, "what are we going to do?" Clarke looks down and I walk over to her, knowing something's amiss. "Clarke? What's wrong?" I ask, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"We can't do anything," she admits solemnly, "not without the help of my mother."

I sigh. "Like I said before, she's not here. It's up to us."

"Don't you think I know that?" she asks, eyes glistening. She sighs, "Raven's going to fix the radio so we can talk to her. She'll help us."

I pull her towards me, hugging her. "Okay," I whisper, "okay." Bellamy and I share a look over Clarke's shoulder, both fearing for Finn's life.

"Son of a bitch..." I whisper, peeking out from behind the curtain blocking the dropship entrance, taking a look at the pouring rain. I take a deep breath before I run outside, patrolling around the camp. I start yelling orders left and right, anxious to return to shelter. "Get inside the dropship!" I demand over the sound of the rain, "Now!" Without any question or response, people run past me to safety. Not seeing anyone else, I look around once more, making sure that everyone's inside. Eventually, no longer being able to deal with the rain, I make my way back to the dropship only to hear Raven calling the Ark, once again, with no answer. I sigh and head over to Clarke to see how Finn's doing. Neither of us have been able to do anything with him because we have yet to make contact with Abby. "What's up?" I ask her.

"Finn's getting worse." Clarke replies, "I need mom's help, now." She brushes Finn's hair out of his face and frowns, before yelling at Raven, "Get that radio working!"

"I'm trying!" Raven shouts back.

"Try harder!"

"Clarke," I say, putting my hand on her shoulder, "calm down. Yelling at her is not going to help anyone." She sighs and nods, knowing I'm right.

Raven takes a deep breath before attempting to get through once again. "Calling Ark Station. Please...Calling Ark Station. The 100 are alive."

"This is a restricted station. Who are you? Identify yourself." a man replies, causing me to literally jump with joy. I run over to Raven and she grins up at me.

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