Kapitel 41

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It's rather boring but trust me, the next chapter more than makes up for it.

Thanks and enjoy! Please review!

I split off from the main group, traveling with the team heading down into the mines for as long as I can. I wish Octavia luck at their entrance and forge on.

It doesn't take long until I spot the edge of the dam and I hoist my gun higher.


I spin, my gun flying up, and Raven freezes, Wick behind her.

"What took you so long?" She asks.

"I'm sorry my hike through the woods was behind schedule!" I hiss back. "Where are the guards?"

"The Grounders took them out. The path to the turbine room is clear. There's one guard inside." Raven said, lifting her bag higher on her shoulders.

"Let's go. Clarke'll be waiting." I say, and I turn towards the door, raising a knife instead of the gun. It's quieter.

I locate the guard inside easily and plunge my knife into his back. He falls and Raven and Wick run out from their hiding spot. I hurry down the stairs silently.

"Eventually, they'll check in with him and find out something's wrong. Hurry." I tell him before glancing around again.

Raven and Wick get started on setting the bombs on each of the turbines. It's slow going, and as I circle, my nerves mounting, I feel like something's got to go wrong. Raven and Wick are bickering about something. As I get closer to Raven, Wick stands and moves on to turbine number 5.

"402, please report. Over."

The sound of the radio makes me stiffen.

"Where did that come from?" Wick asks.

"Stay behind me." I whisper, raising my gun.

"402, please report. Over." The radio says again, and I turn, unable to pinpoint the source.

"Ree, watch out!" Raven shouts, and a body hits mine, knocking me to the ground. Dazed, I roll over, still clutching my ground. The man scrambles for his radio.

"This is 402! We got intruders in the dam!" He gasps and I shoot him in the back. He collapses, dead.

"Come again, 402. Did you say intruders? 402, are you there? Backup is on the way." The woman on the radio says, and I curse.

"You two better hurry up. We're out of time." I say as Wick stands.

"Give me the last bomb." Raven says to Wick, who looks around on the ground. A few feet away, the broken bomb lays shattered and I suck in a breath, trying to stay calm.

"What happens if we only blow up four of the five?" Wick asks.

"The power stays on, door stays locked, everyone we care about dies." Raven says.

"Think of something, quickly." I say. "We can't leave this place with the power on. We'll never get our people out."

Raven kneels beside the last turbine and Wick begins pacing. I keep my eye out for the reinforcements.

"Wick, stop." Raven snaps.

"I'm not doing anything."


"Hey. I'm not the one that didn't make enough bombs!"

"5 turbines, 5 bombs. Maybe if you didn't drop the last one –"

"You two, stop!" I snap. "You're not six years old and we need to blow this last turbine!"

"Any engineer worth his salt knows to plan for failure." Wick says. "Two is one, one is none. It's called…"

"Redundancy." Raven finishes his sentence, and her eyes widen.

"That's it. Redundancy. That's it!"

"What is? What are you doing?" Wick asks.

"They built more turbines than they needed. We blow the other four, this won't take a load. Surge protectors will ramp it down to keep it running…"

"To keep it from blowing up. Yeah." Raven says. "We need to shut down this turbine, Wick." She begins fiddling with wires in the turbine.

"Catastrophic failure? That's your plan?" Wick asks.

"Okay, when you say it like that, it doesn't sound like such a good idea." Raven says, and Wick stands.

"I'll set the detonators."

I pace, looking anxiously at the door. I don't understand what they're doing. Raven finishes tinkering and stands up.

"Today, Wick!" She shouts.

"I'm moving as fast as I –" Wick begins, but he stops speaking as the door to the turbines begins to groan. I can hear men shouting.

"Actually, I can go faster." He says. He presses something and begins running for us.

"Did you get it done?" Raven asks.

"Push the damn button, Raven!"

She does as we sprint and the turbines explode. The last one begins churning overtime.

"It's working!" Raven shouts, and I fire a few shots at the men as they burst through the door.

"We're too close. Wick!" Raven says as we hurry.

"Freeze! Hands up! Don't move! Show me your hands!" A man shouts, and we all stop as they surround us.

"Just keep backing up." Wick whispers.

"Stop moving right now!" One of the mountain men says as we inch backwards.

"We're still too close." Raven says.

"Maybe, but they're closer." I say, and I can hear the last turbine whirring louder and louder.

Suddenly, it smokes, and I grab Raven and Wick and pull them away from it as it explodes in a fiery cloud behind us.

And then I'm thrown off my feet, collide hard with the ground, and lose all bearing of where and who I am.

I wake up to a hand shaking me awake. Instantly, I cough smoke from my lungs.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Wick says to me, and I struggle to my feet with a stumble.

"Kyle…" Raven says, her arm twisted behind her.

"No. No way. Don't even say it. I'm not going anywhere without you." Wick says.

"What I was gonna say is…please don't leave me." Raven says.

"Not a chance."

I help her stand and we begin moving through the wreckage at a snail's pace.

We just reach the top of the stairs when about ten guns lower at my chest.

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