Chapter 8

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We walk for miles and see no sign of Jasper. The smartest thing to do would be to split up, but I don't trust Bellamy, Murphy, and even Wells to do whatever they can to find Jasper.

"Hey, hold up." Bellamy calls from a few feet away, "What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." I notice that he's brandishing his gun and that makes me nervous.

"Bellamy," I say calmly, "please put the gun away."

"Yeah, put the gun away, Bellamy!" Wells yells, attempting to back me up.

I roll my eyes at him. "There's no need to yell-" I get interrupted when Wells grunts from the force of Murphy pushing him away from Bellamy. "Hey! We don't want a fight, we just want him to put the gun away. He doesn't need to have it out right now."

Murphy scowls at me. "Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" I stare at him icily, not amused.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly." Clarke says. Then, looking between us, she continues, "It doesn't mean we have time to waste."

Bellamy then grabs her wrist. Looking between the two of us, he says, "Fine. As soon as you and Robin Hood over here take off your bracelets, we can go."

Clarke rips her wrist away. "The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Same for me." I say, stepping in front of Clarke. "And to get her, you'll have to go through me. Back off, guard boy."

He smirks. "Brave little Robin Hood protecting her princess."

"Hey, why don't you find your own nicknames?" a voice says, and Finn appears. Looking at us, he raises an eyebrow. "You call this a rescue mission? We need to split up and cover more ground. Clarke, Wells, come with me." They walk off, and I glare at him, knowing the reason he didn't want to go with me was because I'd bother him about leaving the camp; now, I'm left with Murphy and Bellamy. I walk over to them, trying to ignore the knowing smirk on Murphy's face.

We walk in silence for a while, before Bellamy attempts to start a conversation. "I think we may have more in common than you think."

I look at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"We're both down here because we're protecting people. I'm protecting my sister, and you're, well, you're trying to protect everyone."

"Yeah. That's not working out very well so far." I say, glancing at Murphy who fakes smiles at me. "Do me a favor, Bellamy, and tell me something." He looks at me, urging me to continue. "Why do you want everyone to remove their bracelets?"

He laughs bitterly. "Why bring down the people willing to kill us for our 'crimes'? Why-"

I stop him. "The real reason."

He looks surprised, but quickly covers it up. "Why would I lie?"

Studying him, I answer, "I really have no clue." I go to look him in the eyes and, for the first time, he avoids my gaze. Suddenly, I hear Finn's whistle, the signal for us to regroup. We run over to them and find the three of them kneeling by the riverbed. Clarke stands up upon our arrival and walks over to me.

"We found blood, and these." she says, tossing me Jasper's goggles. I look at them for a second, and I feel a tear slip down my cheek. I turn away from everyone and quickly wipe it away, and tie the goggles around my waist. I turn back and try to ignore everyone's eyes on me.

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