Chapter 3

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After a silent walk with the guards, I am half-heartedly thrown into a long line. The boy in front of me turns to look at me, obviously scared and wanting to talk to someone- anyone. I'm surprised to see who it is. "Jasper?!"

He smiles and the fear melts from his face. He moves forward as if he was going to hug me, but then stops when he realizes my hands are cuffed. He opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by a guard yelling at him to "stay in line and keep moving". He stays close to me as the line continues moving forward. "Ree, do you know what's going on?" he asks, looking back at me.

I sigh, and shake my head. "I probably know just as much as you. All I know is that we are going to the ground."

Jasper's eyes widen. "What? Are you serious?" I pause for a second, surprised he didn't know that already. But then I realize that my dad is a councilman so maybe that's why I was able to know what was happening. I nod in affirmation.

A few moments pass and suddenly Jasper is at the front of the line. A guard grabs him and shoves him into a seat. He comes back and does the same to me. I fall into the seat and the guard fastens my seatbelt and takes off my handcuffs, his hands hovering on me a moment longer than needed. I glare at him.

"Don't you have a whole line of other people waiting for you to assault them?" He sneers at me and heads back to the entrance. After I get comfortable, I turn my attention towards Jasper and punch him in the arm.

He looks at me, surprised. He brings his opposite hand up and grabs his arm. "Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"What the hell are you doing here?! Why did you get arrested?" He blushes with embarrassment, and suddenly I know what he is going to say. "They found the plant, didn't they? And let me guess, Monty got arrested too?" He nods. "Dammit Jasper! I told you it was a stupid ass decision to plant it with everything else where anyone could see it."

His eyes get bigger in his typical Jasper-like fashion. "Okay, okay. Look, I'm sorry! I thought it would be all sneaky, hiding things in plain sight, y'know?"

I laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I know. You really need to stop trying to be a ninja or whatever, okay? It's not gonna happen."

He laughs too. "Hey!"

Before I can continue bantering with Jasper, I hear another voice call my name. "Aurelia!" I turn, and as soon as my eyes locate the source of the voice my smile fades. Wells.

I attempt cordiality, but I can't help the glare I send him. "What are you doing here, Wells?"

His smile falters. "I got myself arrested for Clarke. And for you."

A bitter laugh escapes me. "No offense, Wells, but what makes you think she wants you here? Hell, I've always been nicer than her and I can barely stand the sight of you. You'll be lucky if she doesn't strangle you." As if on queue, Clarke gets pulled onto the dropship and happens to be put in the seat right next to said victim. I open my mouth to talk, but quickly realize that she's sleeping, or, more realistically, sedated. I wait a few moments until she wakes up, but quickly realize that once she sees who's sitting next to her, she'll get in an argument with him and need something to cheer her up after the fact. So, I let the two of them have at it for a few minutes before I can no longer handle not talking to her. "Clarke! Clarke, hey!"

Clarke turns away from Wells, and as soon as she sees me, she smiles and her eyes light up. "Ree! I can't believe it... it's been so long."

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