~ Truth Or Dare ~

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(May have one or 2 swear words)

(Joe's POV)

"Come on Joe, everyone else Is playing!" Zoe shouts from behind me. I just keep my back faced towards them. I hate truth or dare after what happened last time...


"Let's play truth or dare!" A drunk Zoe says. Everyone nods in agreement as we all sit down. "Okay, Joe, truth or dare?" Alfie asks. "Uhh, dare!"
"I dare you to kiss Caspar." I turn my head to Caspar, to see him staring at me. "Why can't Joe kiss someone else? I don't want to kiss him, he's ugly." I feel a pain in my stomach. I instantly run out of room, into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me as I sit in silence.

-FlashBack Ended-

If you couldn't tell, yes, I have a crush on Caspar. I have done ever since I layed my eyes on him. He's beautiful, handsome, sexy ;), annoying cute, he's just, awesome. Ever since he said that, I haven't really talked to him. That happened in March, it's now September. Wow, that's long.

"Come on Joe!" Zoe says. I just shake my head. She comes up behind me and whispers,
"It's Caspar isn't it? You think he's going to do that again? He won't, I promise, he was really drunk then, he's hasn't had any drinks." I think for a moment before turning my head around and walking over to everyone else. I actually really don't want to do this, but, everyone will think I'm a chicken, and I do not want that. "Okay, Alfie, truth or dare?" Jim asks. "Truth." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Caspar. I look over and we instantly make contact. I stare at him for a few seconds before looking back over to Jim and Alfie.

"Did you love Zoe before you became a couple?" Jim raises his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. "Umm, yes." Alfie quickly hides his head in his hands, hiding his blush from everyone. "Well at least you told the truth." Zoe says. "Caspar, truth or dare?" She adds as she looks over to Caspar. Oh no. He can't say dare, I know what Zoe's doing. "Uhh, dare." Oh shit. "You have to Kiss Joe for 10 seconds." I just stare at Zoe. I can't believe she did that! Uhh!!! Before i do anything, I look in front of me to see Caspar staring at me. I try and get up but he keeps me down. Before I say anything I feel his lips on mine. They feel soft. I kiss him back instantly as he places his hands on my hips. I place my hands around his neck.

"Guys, 10 seconds is up." I hear Marcus say. Caspar pulls back from the kiss. He grabs my hand before getting up and pulling me to the bedroom before I hear the door lock. "I love you Joe." He says pushing out lips together again. "I love you too, Casp." I whisper, kissing him back.


So there. I know it's bad, it's really bad. But I will get better! Hopefully. Anyway, if you do have any requests, ask them in the comments or message me. I'm really bad at endings...


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