~ Just Tell Him/Part 1 ~

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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated, my homework took over me. But now it's on schedule. Before I start, I am in this story, Joe's sister. Zoe is still his sister, but I'm another one. Anyway, enjoy!

(Joe's POV)

Today my other sister, Harley was coming to visit me. I haven't seen he for ages! I hope she's okay. I've Skyped her a lot to catch up on things. I met her new boyfriend on Skype, and he's so nice. His name is Liam. I also told her that I was bisexual on there. Which, I've got to admit, was hard. But she was very supportive of it, which I love. I always tell my sisters everything. The only thing I haven't told them, is that I have a little crush on Caspar. Okay, a big crush. Ever since we made our first video, I had a little crush on him. Now it's turned even bigger than it should of.

"Casp I'm leaving to pick up my sister, I'll be back later!" I shouted at my Roomate. "Okay, JoJo be careful!" No. Not that nickname again. Last time he said that, I actually fainted. Yep, you heard me, I fainted. I have no idea why. But when I woke up I was in a hospital bed.

As I walked out of the building, the cold, windy air hit me; making me nearly fall over. I got my balance before heading to my car. I jumped in before fastening my seatbelt. I plugged in my keys as I drove off. On the way there I stared at the beautiful blue sky. It reminded me of Caspar's eyes. Beautiful, and blue. Why couldn't I have Caspar? I wish I could call him mine, I wish I could cuddle with him, kiss him goodnight, comfort him when he's sad. I guess I never get what I want.

After what felt like 5 minutes, I finally arrived at the airport. If you didn't know, Harley lives in America with her boyfriend Liam. I checked the time, 10:39am. Okay her plane landed at 10:35am so she should be here any moment. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I saw a hand waving in front of my eyes. I blinked before looking up. There stood my sister, Harley. She's changed so much! She's become much taller, much slimmer, and she also dyed her tips dark blue.

"Joe! I missed you so much!" She said as she enveloped me in a hug. I hugged back before retreating from her. "Wow Joseph you've changed!" She said. "I could say the exact same." I replied. She smiled before grabbing her suitcase and rucksack. "Okay. Let's go." I said before walking over to the door. She followed me until we reached my car. I put Harley's suitcase into the boot before jumping into my side. Harley got in the passenger side as I drove off.


Okay. So I'm going to be splitting this into maybe 3 to 4 parts. I hope you enjoyed the first part!


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