~ Forgotten Birthday/Part 1 ~

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Warnings: One swear word (not really a warning.) drinking references. (Don't know why that's a warning, lol)

(Caspar's POV)

I was woke up by my alarm. I jumped out of my bed, grabbing a t-shirt and slipping it on. Today was my birthday and I was super excited. I ran upstairs, looking around for any presents. But for some reason, there were none there. I searched around the whole upstairs, but to my disappointment there were none there. I sat down in the sofa, hoping that Joe might of hidden my presents somewhere and that he would get them when he woke up. I turned on the TV ask slouched back into the sofa.

After what felt like 5 days, Joe finally came out of his mancave, looking hot as ever- what are you doing? Don't start having a crush on Joe again.. "Hey Joe!" I shout making his eyes widen. "Please don't shout, it's early." He groaned. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 11:56. "Joe, it's nearly 12 it's not early." I said back. Before he could reply I heard my phone bing (love that word ;]). I grabbed it before searching through my messages, showing loads of messages from other Youtubers saying Happy Birthday. I replied back before reading another message that Zoe had just sent.
'Hey Caspar! Happy Bday ;) me and few others are taking you out for a meal to celebrate your birthday at 6, your coming x' I laugh at the message making Joe look at me weirdly. I just ignore him and reply with a 'thanks ;) I'm coming defo! x!

I set my phone down before going downstairs to edit my video. After a 4 hour editing session I finally have my video edited and ready. I check the clock, it's now 4:12 so I have another hour or so to relax. I decide to have a little nap as I'm a little tired.
I wake up instantly staring at my clock, 5:52. oh shit! I quickly jump out of bed, grabbing some black jeans and a white top. I quickly get changed before going into my bathroom to do my hair. After my really quick changing I go upstairs and sit on the sofa., as I have 2 more minutes till Zoe should arrive. "Casp, where are you going?" I hear Joe call from behind me, I turn around to face him. "Zoe is taking me for a meal for my-" before I finish my sentence I hear the doorbell ring. I fling open the door reviling a very beautiful Zoe. I give a quick hug before stepping out the door, closing it behind me.

I follow Zoe out of the building towards her car. Zoe tells me to sit in the middle. "Happy Birthday Caspar!" Jim, Tanya, Alfie and Zoe shout. "Aw thanks guys!" I say hugging Tanya as she's beside me, and high fiveing Alfie and Jim. "Troye, Tyler and Oli are meeting us there, there taking a taxi cause they all are gonna have a few drinks." I nod in agreement. It's good in England because you only have to be 18 to drink, which is good for Troye. After what felt like 1 minute we arrive at the restaurant. Zoe parks the car as we all get out. "This looks really expensive!" I say, looking up at the restaurant.
"Don't worry Caspar, Alfie's paying so you can have anything you want." We all giggle as Alfie pulls and angry face, "Hey! We're paying half and half!" Alfie replies back before we enter the restaurant.

So there's part one. I'm splitting it into 2 parts cause I needed to post something. There may not be a part tommorow, blame school. If there isn't there will be one on Saturday. I hope you enjoyed part 1!
Also if you have any suggestions for future one shots, please comment below. Anyway,


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