~ Halloween Party ~

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(Joe's POV)

Today me and Caspar were going shopping to buy lots of decorations for our Halloween party. We have already had a party, but this one is going to be a lot more better and also we aren't gonna wear any costumes. We already had all the decorations but now we were just buying loads of alcohol, because everyone will likely to get drunk, especially Tyler, Hannah, Grace and Mamrie. I checked the time; 5;43, we've got another hour and 17 minutes so we decided to just relax.

~1 Hour and 21 minutes later~

Everyone had now arrived, most people wearing full black. There were Halloween cupcakes, which Zoe made, on the table, there were cocktail sticks with little pumpkins sweets on, and there were different types of drinks, including punch, lemonade, wine and much more. Our apartment was decorated with Halloween banners, fake cobwebs, and fake spiders handing from the ceiling and the cobwebs. I had to admit, me and Caspar did do a pretty amazing job, with a little help from Zoe.

~1 Hour Later~

Everyone had, at now, at least had a couple drinks. Their were people lying on the floor, people making out on the walls, everything that happens at a party. I'm not a big fan of drinks so I've only had 2, I just wanted to make sure nobody did anything stupid. "Heyyyyy Joeeee." I heard, I looked up to see a very drunk Caspar. "Hi Caspar." He smiled at me before ripping me out of my seat. He then pinned my on a wall and started to kiss me. I didn't kiss back cause I knew he was drunk. He then broke from the kiss and picked me up bridal style, before taking me downstairs into my bedroom. He lay me on the bed before getting in. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was gone. I chuckled to myself before falling asleep..

~Morning at 7:34am~

(Caspar's POV)

I woke up with a banging headache. I got out of bed and travelled upstairs to see it was a tip. I searched through our cabinets before picking out some pain killers. I grabbed a glass before pouring in some water, I then downed the water along with the tablets, and swallowed. I then sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. What happened last night?

(Joe's POV)

I woke up and checked the clock, 8:21. I jumped out of bed and ran upstairs to be met by Caspar singing, really badly, Let It Go. I went to the TV and turned it off.

"Oh hey Joe. Do you know what happened last night?" I just nodded and got comfy.

"We had a Halloween party, and everyone was pretty drunk, including you, you randomly came up to me and pushed me against a wall and started to kiss me."

"What? What do you mean?" ('What do you mean? When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no.' Sorry I'll stop.)

"We then went downstairs and you pushed me into my bed. You also got in but when your head hit the pillow you were out like a fly."

"Your pillows are comfy though." Caspar said, making me chuckle slightly. "You can sleep on it tonight if you would like?" We both smirked before starting to clean up.


Happy Halloween!! I hope you enjoy your Halloween!! I thought I would update because it's Halloween!! I thought I would do some sort of Halloweeny theme, but in the end it just turned weird. I don't really like going trick or treating, so I'm home alone till like 11:30pm so yayyyyyy!!!! Anyway,

See ya!!

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