~ Just Tell Him/Part 2 ~

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(Harley's POV)

I've only been here 1 hour and I can already tell Joe likes Caspar. It's so obvious! The way he looks at him, the way he blushes when Caspar winks at him. I may not have witnessed much Jaspar but I do know they would be perfect for each other. I decided to tweet something as I was bored,

@harleysugg: My OTP would be so cute together. Why don't they just get married?

I pressed send before getting loads of replies:

Omg Jaspar!!

Her OTP is so Jaspar!!


I agree!!

Your are literally my queen!

But one of them stood out the most.

@suggismine: I know exactly who your talking about. They would NOT be cute in any way. They are both straight do why can't you get that through your head? Your brother is ONLY mine.

I stared at the tweet. How could someone say that? I know there both straight, but can't I say that?

"Hey, sis can I talk to you for a sec?" I looked up from my phone to see Joe standing there. I nodded my head as I stood up and followed Joe. After we got in his bedroom he shut the door and faced me.

"Promise you won't judge me?" He randomly asked.

"Of course not Bro." I replied. He smiled before sighing,

"I love Caspar." My smile grew even bigger.

"OMG YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM!!!!!!!!" I shouted, making Joe jump.

"Shhhh! And no, I'm not telling him. He only likes me as a friend!"

"How do you know that?" I asked before exiting the room. I think I'll let Joe figure this one out. I heard him sigh before shutting his door again. I know! I'll invite some friends around. I'm sure they won't mind.

(Connor, Troye and Tyler are in a the UK too.)

(I'm using their initials)

To, Zoe, Marcus, Oli, Tanya, Jim, Niomi, Alfie, Tyler, Troye and Connor.

HS: Hey guys! I was wondering if you wanted to come over as a little get together. I'm currently in the UK, I'm staying at Joe and Caspar's place. How about tommorow at 5? x

ZS: Hey sis! Sure thing, Alfie's coming too! x

MB: Totally! Niomi's coming!

CF: Sure!


TB(C): Sure, hon. x

JC: yep so coming!

OW: So coming!

Then it's settled. Party tommorow!


Part 2: Hope You Enjoyed!! Sorry its kinda short..


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