~ Birthday/Part 1 ~

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Hai! Sorry i havent updated in a while, ive had loads of homework. This is another birthday one, but its different so enjoy!

(Joes POV)

I wake up instanally. I had the worst nightmare. I go to grab Caspar when i realise he's not there. I groan. My phone starts to ring, i pick it to see Zoe's name pop up. I press accept.

"Zoe, what do you want?"

"Broseph! I thought you weren't gonna wake up!"

"Well i have so whats the problem?"

"Me and Alfie are coming to bring your presents round at 12:00." I look over to my clock. 9:21.


"See you then Joe!"

"Bye." I say before ending the call. How can my sister be that cheerful in the morning?

I slowly get out of bed, grabbing my sweatpants and putting them on. I don't bother with a top. I walk upstairs greeted by Caspar.

"JoJo! Your finally awake! Come and open your presents!" Caspar pulls me over to the sofa as he sits. He gestures me to sit next to him so i do. He grabs the first present and hands it to me.

"Okay. This is from Oli. He came over a few minutes ago." I open the present reviling a coat. "Omg this is the coat i wanted!" I shout. Im going to call everyone later thanking them for my presents.

I open all of my presents. I had a lot. "I made you breakfast!" Caspar shouts. He hands me the plate as i kiss him on the cheek. He blushes. Aww he's so cute. I walk over to the table, i place my plate onto the table before sitting down and tucking in.

"I never knew you were such a good cook!" I say as i put the plate on the counter. "I learnt." He says. He turns on the TV as i sit on his lap.

"I have a surprise for you later." Caspar says. He puts his arms around me as i relax on him.

Sorry its short.
I will post part 2 tomorrow which will be much longer.

What do you think Caspar's surprise is??

I also have just posted my first chapter to my story. If you go on my account it will be there.



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