~ Forgotten Birthday/Part 2 ~

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(Caspar's POV)

We arrive at the restaurant greeted by Troyler and Oli. They've already got a table so we don't have to take 20 minutes finding one. I sit in the middle of Troye and Oli. Next to Oli is Zoe then Alfie, then Tyler next to Troye. A waitress comes over and orders our drinks. I decide on a beer with a little bit of lemonade added, I don't want to get drunk so I'm only having one drink. "So what presents did you get from Joe?" Zoe asks taking a sip from her lemonade, "Oh he hasn't given me any presents." I reply, opening up Twitter and replying to all the fans. "Oh that's weird." Zoe answers. Minutes later the waitress comes back over asking what we want for our meals. I decide on a ________ (you can decide on what he eats ;])

(Joe's POV) (OOOOH POV change)

I scroll through Twitter looking at some Youtubers tweets when I come across this:
@ZozeeBo: @caspar_lee HAPPY BDAY CASPAR, LOVE U <3
@PointlessBlog: @caspar_lee Happy Bday mate, hope you have a good one!
@tyleroakley: @caspar_lee happy bday! <3

Oh. I've completely forgot my best friends birthday... I stare at my phone for the next 10 minutes when I come up with an idea. I quickly run to the shop, grabbing balloons and loads of party decorations. I quickly rush home. I blow up all the balloons and tie them to something. I get the cake out of the bag and place it on the table, sticking in all the candles. Now all I've got to do is wait...

(Caspar's POV)

"Bye guys!" Me, Zoe, Tanya, Alfie and Jim shouted as we all climbed into the car. "So is Joe gonna give your presents when you get home?" Tanya asked. To be honest i had no idea. "I have no idea." I replied. I grabbed my phone cause it kept buzzing, i had loads more twitter notifications from more fans.

"Caspar were here." Zoe said. I opened my door and said bye before closing it. I walked up to my apartment, wondering whats going on with Joe. "Joe?" I called as i walked into the apartment. It was pitch black so i had no idea where the light switch was. I finally found it. "Omg, Joe did you do this?!" I said. There were balloons, banners, presents and even a cake. "Yep." Joe stood up from the sofa. I quickly pulled him into a hug. All the presents were from all of my youtube friends, family and some of my other friends. "So your probably wondering where your present is from me?" I nodded. "Well here it is." Before i could question him, i felt a pair of lips on mine. He had pushed me back so he was on top of me. I kissed back immediately, pulling him closer. After a very long kissing session we finally broke for air.

"Wow.." Was all i could say. "That was the best present ever."

For the rest of the night we watched loads of movies, cuddling with each other. This was the best present ever.

Sorry its shit. I had to post something. I have loads of homework to do so i had to post now or the next post wouldn't be till Tuesday. Comment on ideas i could do. I was also thinking on starting a book about Joe Sugg, if you think i should comment. Anyway,



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